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Term Papers on Social Issues

Racism And The Ku Klux Klan
Number of words: 1540 - Number of pages: 6

.... It had a population of 3,000 people and it was a town full of churches at the time of the Klan’s beginning (Wilson and Lester pg. 50). This birthplace was the birthplace of future misery and despair and the beginning of a new era( Oneline pg. 1). On an evening in May 1866, a few young men met with one of the most prominent member’s office at a Pulaski bar. In the course of the evening’s conversation, one of the members said, “Boys, let us get up a club or a society of some description” (Lester and Wilson pg. 53). The group of men were called the “Pulaski .....

Ethics/Child Labor
Number of words: 2694 - Number of pages: 10

.... interfere with the childs development in the terms of activities, sports, and music. Now child labor can be defined as where children are put to work in jobs that have been done by, or could be done by, adults. Child labor is where the children are exploited and also is when they are worked in conditions that are hazardous. 1 Child labor is a problem throughout the world, and especially in developing countries. Child labor is most common in rural areas where the capacity to enforce minimum age requirements for schooling and work is lacking. The children work .....

The Crucial Role Of Mass Media
Number of words: 1163 - Number of pages: 5

.... the ability of the mass media to fulfill it’s role recognized by the Bill of Rights can be categorized into either the supporters of Jarol Manhiem’s essay on the ineptness of the media to realize it’s privileged role or the supporters of Douglas Rushkoff’s essay on the ability of American people to see past the distractive sensationalism of modern day mass media. The debate that was engaged in class rested on these two contradicting sides. On one side there is Manhiem. Arguing modern day mass media is profit and deadline driven, lacks true integrity, and des .....

What Are You Watching
Number of words: 879 - Number of pages: 4

.... Amendment Rights of the broadcasters. They claim that the government is imposing a system of censorship that will lead to "blander" and "less dramatic" television (“V-Chip: A Matter of Law” 21). Representative Ed Markey (D-Mass.), who spearheaded the drive for the V-chip, argues that there is nothing in the legislation that limits the content of programs. He, and other supporters of the V-chip, said that the broadcasters would still be able to air any programming they wish. They will just have to accompany the programming with a rating that will help identi .....

Media Violence
Number of words: 844 - Number of pages: 4

.... teaching their children to do the same. Barbara Escamilla, an Omaha counselor and social worker, said, "Fathers who laugh and cheer at violent action movies are condoning such actions...." Another counselor from Omaha said, "If a kid hears his dad laughing about having beat somebody up when he was 13, then that father is creating an underlying philosophy in the family." Joseph Stankus, an Omaha psychologist, said, "If sombody doesn't show any regard for the results of violence, then maybe you give it to them" (qtd. in Nelson np). Watching violence and listeni .....

Nuclear Power: Cons
Number of words: 1133 - Number of pages: 5

.... and waste", and the other "the continuity of life support systems pertinent to survival." Thus, the environmentalists believe that nuclear energy should not be used for various reasons. First of all, the waste product, i.e. plutonium, is extremely radioactive, which may cause the people who are working or living in or around the area of storage or use, to acquire leukemia and other cancers. They also show how billions of dollars are spent yearly on safety devices for a single reactor, and this still doesn't ensure the impossibility of a .....

Number of words: 723 - Number of pages: 3

.... the problem by, making a list of pros and cons of possible solutions in dealing with the problem. Be patient and give the kids a chance, because it might just be a temporary thing. You want to remember though not to exclude or manipulate any one in the class. You must always remember about everyone's feelings and be considerate to all. And in return you will receive respect, which is most important in getting things done. Right from the first day you have to show initiative, you must be strict and let them know who's in charge, other wise you will not get t .....

Animal Rights
Number of words: 794 - Number of pages: 3

.... on people, as well as organ transplants, and the cardiac pace maker. The disease polio, which killed and disabled many children, is almost completely vanished from the United States by the used of preventive vaccines that were perfected on monkeys. Not only polio, but also mumps, measles,rubella and smallpox have been eliminated through antibiotics tested on monkeys. Major diseases have been alleviated and have had major advances totheir cure, diseases such as leukemia in children among other types of cancerand tumors. Animals not only contribute gre .....

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