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Term Papers on Social Issues

Birth Parents Should Not Be Able To Reclaim Their Child
Number of words: 2763 - Number of pages: 11

.... Permitting such reversals would not be considering the best interest of the child nor his or her feelings. Laws and regulations are making readopting a child impracticable for birth parents. Advancing with technology and the rest of the world, laws referring to adoption are also continually undergoing changes. Whether these laws have a positive or negative impact on the adoption controversy, they all are causing the children confusion and pain. Older laws were abandoned because the rights given to the birth mother outweighed the birth father. Kate Burke .....

Gangs In America
Number of words: 831 - Number of pages: 4

.... the women and the constant money. This is obviously appealing to the youth and the potential inductees to the gangs. However, with every good thing there also comes a bad side. The bad side is everything we don’t see. The life of crime, violence, and prison. Nobody really can understand that until they live it, and once they had lived it, it can sometimes be to late. Now of course there are situations where kids join gangs because there is no other way. Often it happens that a teenager is forced to join a gang because he/she has no family. The gangs s .....

War On Poverty: Project South
Number of words: 287 - Number of pages: 2

.... popular political and economic education and action research for organizing and liberation. They contribute to the development of a strategic vision for the movement emerging in the ese new times-bringing together grassroots, scholar and cultural activists and youth on the basis of equality to join in the process of understanding and transforming our society. The work of Project South is funded by dues and contributions, in-kind work, and grants from the Atlanta Black United Fund, the Center for Responsive Politics, the Schumann Foundation, the Fund for Southern Communities, and the Mayer-Katz Foundation, .....

How The Availability Of The Weapons With Fire Can Affect The Rates Of Crime Of Violence?
Number of words: 957 - Number of pages: 4

.... the homicides are the fact that the weapons with fire are more fatal than the others weapons and, consequently, more likely to cause a death when ways in fact and flights are made. This explanation is very valid and it is exposed further in the section entitled " the attacks perpetrated with a weapon with fire and the probability that they will involve serious wounds and deaths ". Another reason for which the weapons with fire perhaps facilitate the perpetration of the crimes of violence is that they constitute an impersonal means and " clean " to cause an inju .....

A Time Of Prosperous Change
Number of words: 1106 - Number of pages: 5

.... points on a women's individualism but Anna Ericson proves Weldon's choice of personality for the main character was one reflecting Weldon's own thoughts and morals. In the The Life and Loves of a She Devil Ruth is a character who is well developed who one can feel one with because of the fact that the author creates great depth to her as a character. In the Critical Survey of Long Fiction the author states that "In her fiction, Fay Weldon explores women's lives with wit and humor. She is caustic in her implicit condemnation of injustice but avoids preaching .....

Community Policing: The New Policing Concept!
Number of words: 942 - Number of pages: 4

.... these goals requires that police departments develop a new relationship with the law-abiding people in the community, allowing them a greater voice in setting local police priorities and involving them in efforts to improve the overall quality of life in their neighborhoods. It shifts the focus of police work from handling random calls to solving community problems. The Community Policing philosophy is expressed in a new organizational strategy that allows police departments to put theory into practice. This requires freeing some patrol officers from the iso .....

Men And Women: Why Are We So Different?
Number of words: 750 - Number of pages: 3

.... and to show that though these do exist, neither is superior to the other, and society should strive to reflect this. The first difference that we will examine is the very core that makes us different. That core is biology. In biology, there are two distinct sets of genes: male (XX) and female (XY). Though these are distinctly different, there can already be seen some similarity in the two. Both carry the X chromosome. These different sets of chromosomes cause us to form distinct male and female physical characteristics. These differences enable males .....

The Adults Are Always Right?
Number of words: 1482 - Number of pages: 6

.... into "Nag Mode." To define Nag Mode, is simple. Every syllable that comes out of the mouth of an adult is heard as ‘ nag.' For example: Adults say: "clean your room! ." Kids hear: "nag nag nag!" Adults say: "Stop watching television." Kids hear: "nag nag nag nag nag nag nag." They think of us as being lazy, and irresponsible, selfish and useless. Some adults quiver when they hear how we will one day run this world. What makes us lazy, the fact that we watch an hour of television after a hard da .....

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