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Term Papers on Arts and Movies

The Misanthrope: Social Behavior
Number of words: 477 - Number of pages: 2

.... the love of his life, Celimene. His devotion to her blinds all the mean and cruel things she does to him. She has other love interests, but Alceste still loves her. No matter what she does to him, Alceste always is at her disposal. Celimene's flirtatious actions have all of the men bidding for her attention. When Alceste catches a letter Celimene has written to Oronte, Alceste confronts her angrily. Celimene implies that it would have been written for a woman. Then Celimene tells Alceste that she is tired of his ways and will not tolerate his jealousy. .....

Much Ado About Nothing
Number of words: 617 - Number of pages: 3

.... felt that marriage was going to change the way Claudio lived. Benedick was also very stubborn. He never wanted to give into other people's ideas, and that was why he didn't want to give into the idea that marriage could be a good thing in a person's life. Beatrice was a character very similar to Benedick. She was a very independent person, and didn't want to rely on anyone for support. She also was very smart. She enjoyed reading poetry, and thought about things a lot. She also was against marriage. During one conversation, she even said that she would rather .....

How Do The Past And Present Effect Sexuality On Television And The Adolescent Mind?
Number of words: 899 - Number of pages: 4

.... cable television play in the new sexual revolution of television. Is sexuality on television really a problem or is it just hype brought on by other outlets of the media and family groups? I will attempt to explore all these paths in the research paper. In 1985, every hour of every day an average of two to three acts of "sexual content" centered on heterosexual intercourse. This is an important factor to remember because it set the trend for what is going to happen in the future. There will either be an increase, decrease, or no change in the amount of sex .....

Who Is Most To Blame For Macbeth's Downfall?
Number of words: 490 - Number of pages: 2

.... prophecies, so in turn, the witches could be partly responsible for Macbeth's downfall. Lady Macbeth can also be held accountable for Macbeth's decline of sanity and power. Although it didn't take much, her persuasion lead to the killing of Duncan. She wanted Macbeth to take the rank of king as much as he did. Pressure from his spouse added on to all the other pressures from the prophecies, also helped tempt Macbeth to murder. Not only did her doings contribute to Macbeth's turmoil, but it also lead herself to become mad. The character most guilty .....

Macbeth: An Overview
Number of words: 515 - Number of pages: 2

.... is telling him how kind this male ruler has been to him and the country of Scotland. The little “greedy devil” on his other shoulder that wants to be King finally overcomes the “angel.” His mind finally warrants him the justification to kill King Duncan. He has deep regret for what he has done shortly thereafter. The murder of the King is the first to slowly break down his now fragile emotional state. He feels that after murdering the King, he has given his mind and soul to those evil and demonic forces which are the enemy of mankind. It seems as though he .....

One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest: Movie Analysis
Number of words: 1684 - Number of pages: 7

.... Ratchet, and finds himself understanding the mentalities of the others in the ward. This movie's theme is about insanity and how people on "the other side" of the wall view the term "insanity". In chapter two of out text, the term "society" is defined as a group of people that share a culture and common identity. This society is present when McMurphy is admitted to the institution, but he changes it by developing relationships with the other patients. This can be described as social influence. Social influence is where other people have an impact on and cha .....

The Fate Of King Oedipus
Number of words: 1185 - Number of pages: 5

.... it was because Poseidon was angry at them. This is the basis for my assumption that Oedipus had no control over his fate. First of all, when Oedipus is just a baby his father, King Laius of Thebes, is told in an oracle that his own son will kill him. So, with the agreement of his wife, Jocasta, the baby's feet are pinioned, and it's given to a slave who is supposed to leave it to die on Mt. Cithaeron. However, the slave feels sorry for the baby, and gives it to a fellow shepherd from Corinth. The shepherd from Corinth presented the baby to the childless King .....

Crooklyn: A Review
Number of words: 2342 - Number of pages: 9

.... a general analysis, which will touch on elements such as symbolic meanings of the title and other general components of the movie. The second part will analyze the certain scenes of the movie that concentrated on the expression of African-American culture based on required class readings. GENERAL ANALYSIS Title The title Crooklyn is symbolic of the actual city Brooklyn. Crooklyn is the nickname Brooklyn gained because of its magical and crazy experiences. Before seeing the movie, the title gave a perception of crime and decent in a typical urban city; howe .....

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