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Term Papers on Arts and Movies

Antigone: Changing Views Of The Chorus
Number of words: 807 - Number of pages: 3

.... as a suspenseful introduction to Creon's orders concerning the body of Polynices. The chorus's next appearance blatantly shows their biased attitudes against Antigone and her exiled father Oedipus. At this point they still sing praise for King Creon and his unwavering decisions concerning the law which was placed upon the city regarding the body of Polynices: “When he weaves in the laws of the land, and the justice of the gods that binds his oaths together, he and his city rise high--but the city casts out that man who weds himself to inhumanity thanks to r .....

Review Of Musical Singin In The Rain
Number of words: 582 - Number of pages: 3

.... fans by leaping into a passing car driven by Kathy Selden (Debbie Reynolds). She is amazed but plays it cool, pretending not to recognise Don and putting down the talents of movie actors. Although Kathy pretends to be a real stage actress, her abilities become obvious to Don when she leaps out of a cake at the after-show party. An even bigger upset occurs when studio owner R.F. Simpson (Millard Mitchell) shows a new talking picture, which is dismissed as a passing fad (commenting that Warner Brothers will "lose their shirts with The Jazz Singer"). Progress is .....

The Sistine Chapel
Number of words: 679 - Number of pages: 3

.... and Christ". (World Book 476 Vol 17). On the ceiling are Biblical stories painted by the great artist Michelangelo between 1508 and 1512. According to Charles Symore the author of the book Michelangelo the Sistine ceiling "the ceiling tells the history of the creation of the world, the fall of humanity, and the flood" .On the Wall above the altar is probably the most famous painting in the chapel and it is called the last judgment, a painting over 50 ft tall and 30 ft wide. Michelangelo worked on the last judgment for an entire 5 years. According to Michael .....

Oedipus Rex: Figurative Blindness
Number of words: 964 - Number of pages: 4

.... Laius and Jocasta, sent him into the mountains to die. However, a shepherd saved and gave him to Polybus and Merope. When he learned of his prophecy, he fled, under the assumption that they were his real parents. While fleeing, he encountered Laius and killed him. He correctly answered the riddle of the Sphinx, finally became the king of Thebes, and later married Jocasta. Oedipus fulfilled the prophecy without even knowing it. Thebes now had to endure a plague, and a prophet put the blame on a polluter of the land of Thebes. Oedipus called on Tiresia .....

Hamlet's Soliloquy
Number of words: 1369 - Number of pages: 5

.... what Hamlet thinks about his own vengeance of his father’s death with Claudius. He feels that he hasn’t given his best effort to revenge his uncle and therefore calls his revenge “dull” which is a powerful way to describe his feelings. We get another look into the mind of Hamlet when he is talking about his thoughts that have “one part wisdom and ever three parts coward”. The word choice here shows another contradiction between the words “wisdom” and “coward”. A coward is able to have wisdom but if the cowardly aspect takes control than the wisdom is smothe .....

Hamlet's Treatment Of Ophelia And Gertrude
Number of words: 1538 - Number of pages: 6

.... a month, Ere yet the salt of most unrighteous tears Had left the flushing in her galled eyes, She married. O, most wicked speed, to post With such dexterity to incestuous sheets! It is not, nor it cannot come to good. (Hoy, 11) It is understandable Hamlet is upset with his mother for forgetting about his father and marrying his uncle, Claudius. In Hamlet's eyes, his father deserves more than one month of mourning and by remarrying so quickly, the queen has sullied King Hamlet's memory. This remarriage is a sin and illegal, however special dispe .....

The Villains In Much Ado About Nothing And Othello
Number of words: 2745 - Number of pages: 10

.... humiliate Hero instead of marrying her. The next day Claudio does exactly as he had said, degrading Hero in front of all her family and friends. Because she did not cheat on him, she did not expect that kind of reaction. She is so dejected that she faints, and everyone assumes she is dead. Eventually Borrachio is overheard talking about Don John’s plan, and Don John is arrested. Later Claudio learns that Hero is not actually dead, and they are finally married. "Othello"’s Iago is very much similar to Don John. He wants to get revenge on Othello for not being cho .....

Death Of A Salesman: Willy's Suicide Is His Downfall
Number of words: 478 - Number of pages: 2

.... the secret”(1391). Willy wants to know the “key” to being successful. He does not understand that the “key” is to work hard to get what you want in life. His false values showed again when Biff stole a football from school and a whole case of them at the sporting goods store were he worked. Willy’s motto was that biff didn’t mean any harm. Willy even laughed when the boys stole lumber from a construction sight nearby. This proves that Willy is passing his false values to his sons. Secondly, Willy is a dishonest man. Willy tries to get Berna .....

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