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Term Papers on Arts and Movies

The Crucible Shows Characterization Through The Experiences Of John Proctor
Number of words: 458 - Number of pages: 2

.... through a big argument with his wife Elizabeth Proctor, as she starts to be suspicious with him about sexual relations, she thinks he had with Abigail Williams. Elizabeth says, "John, you are not open with me." John replies with, "I'll plead my honesty no more Elizabeth." In the proceeding words spoken between the two, it showed how John had lied about the affair. It would be impossible to experience what John Proctor did, unless the reader was married. This experience shows the vulnerable side of John Proctor towards temptation, because he lies to his wife .....

Oedipus The King
Number of words: 942 - Number of pages: 4

.... of Apollo's word, he could have calmly investigated the murder of the former King Laius, but in his hastiness he passionately curses the murderer, and in so, unknowingly curses himself. "Upon the murderer I invoke this curse whether he is one man and all unknown, or one of many may he wear out his life in misery or doom! If with my knowledge he lives at my hearth, I pray that I myself may feel my curse." In order for Sophocles' Greek audience to relate to the tragic figure, he had to have some type of flaws or an error of ways. This brought the character dow .....

Essay On The Movie "Lord Of The Flies"
Number of words: 385 - Number of pages: 2

.... go back to what happened. My second example is that the movie was black and white. Since their was a lot of special effect in the film the movie should have been coloured. The special effects would have looked neater since a lot of killing was shot. If the movie was coloured the audience would focus on the screen often, rather than seeing a black and white screen. The settings and the props were not prepared well. My first example is that the boys shirts, were clean everyday. Their clothes should be black and grey, because of the dirt and all th .....

Pulp Fiction
Number of words: 322 - Number of pages: 2

.... Is a Red Dress(Hang Me In Rags) by Maria McKee, "Son of A Precher Man" by Dusty Springfield, "Junggle Boogie" bye Kool and The Gang,"Flowers on the Wall" by The statler Brothers, and many others. The songs and the movie mixed well together with the movie. When i heard the songs on the movie I immeaditly had to run out and get the sound track. The movie had many other exciting items to represent the movie like Poasters,Books, Screenplays,collectable lunch boxes, shirts,boxers, and many more. I like to collect these things to show that i am a true "" fan. .....

Forever Swing
Number of words: 1096 - Number of pages: 4

.... a blind eye to the devastation that swirled before them. Most of them justified the acts in concentration camps by saying, “…the acts of torture were committed by a small group of insane or perverted persons” (page 151). Also, the German government did an outstanding job of using propaganda to deny the truth about the camps. When the reports about the camps were believed, the government quickly went to work to repress the terror and convince the German population that nothing horrible was happening. In the film Swing Kids, the main characters are Peter, Thom .....

Macbeth: A Shakespearean Tragic Hero
Number of words: 885 - Number of pages: 4

.... he says, “For brave Macbeth – well he deserves that name disdaining fortune, with his brandished steel, which smoked with bloody execution…”(Act I, Scene II, Line 15-16). The Sergeant spoke very highly of Macbeth, and his actions in this war show his loyalty towards Duncan in that he would fight for his King. As the play continued Macbeth’s flaw becomes even more visible. His ambition for power would not go unnoticed. The author first gives a hint at the character’s ambition when Macbeth mentions, “[Aside] Glamis, and Thane of Cawdor. The greatest is .....

Number of words: 400 - Number of pages: 2

.... in motivational is the use of celebrity endorsements. Many well known public charities use the endorsements of celebrities to bring public awareness about the rising problems today. In turn, this motivates the general public to take an active part in giving back to the community in which they live in and to educate the young people in the role that they will someday inherit. Humorous can take on two different personalities. One would be in presenting a serious problem in a humorous manor. The other would be advertising a product in such a manor that .....

Number of words: 1265 - Number of pages: 5

.... "Spearcucker" Jones, a former pro football player as a ringer (Spearcucker appeared in te first few episodes of te series but was dropped wen te writers found tat tere were no black surgeons during te Korean war). One of te most memorable scenes in te movie was te "suicide" of Painless Pole (played by Jon Scuck) wic featured te song "Suicide is Painless". Te movie was released in te fall of 1970 wen anti-Vietnam sentiment was ig, and was an instant it. Ring Lardner Jr won te Oscar for Best Screenplay and te film was nominated for Best Movie. Sally Kellerman al .....

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