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Term Papers on Book Reports

The City Of Gold And Lead: Summary
Number of words: 438 - Number of pages: 2

.... takes the gold. Beanpole on the other hand takes a disapointing second place and dosn't get invited to the city of gold and lead. From there the boys are taken by a tripod to the city. When they reach the city they are over come by a stronger feild of gravity in wich the masters live in. In the city the humans must wear suits that breathe oxygen because the masters breathe different air. Each of the boys are then chosen by a master to be there personal slave. Will was chosen by one of the nicer masters in the city, while Fritz was chosen by a mean master wh .....

Death Of A Salesmen: Freedom And Willy’s Dream
Number of words: 1725 - Number of pages: 7

.... of significance in this scene. First the stockings, Willy gives his wife stockings, which are very expensive, it is a symbol of love to Biff. He sees his father giving them to someone else and he knows that his father isn’t all that he seems. He is giving his love away to someone other than Linda. The second thing of significance is the fact that is one instant Biff now doesn’t want Willy to get his grade changed. He thinks that because of the person he now thinks his father is he couldn’t do it. He is completely disillusioned by what he has seen, and his w .....

The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn: Superstition
Number of words: 697 - Number of pages: 3

.... uneducated slave who does not have much knowledge. He is very ignorant and is easy to beleive things things. Not only does his beleif that this hairball has magic spirits, he is also fooled by Huck many times during the novel. You would think because of him being an uneducated slave, and Huck being the white boy who has had some schooling, that their beleifs in this superstitous hairball would differ. This is not true as seen when Huck is the one that comes to Jim for the powers of the Hairball. Huck wanted to know what his father, Pap, was going to do. Huck had .....

Davis' "Fifth Business": Death Of Boy Staunton
Number of words: 1192 - Number of pages: 5

.... stone”, Paul- whom granted his inner most wish, and lastly, Boy Staunton himself. It can be observed that childhood experiences play a very important role in the stableness of ones soul. One mishap in childhood can create a devastating blow to ones true happiness in later life. This was exactly the case in Boy Staunton's life. Once, when he was little, he got in an argument with Dunny which led to snowballs being launched at Dunny from an aggravated Boy Staunton. The last snowball concealed a rock, and hit Dunny's neighbor Mary Dempster in the head. As a resul .....

All Quiet On The Western Front
Number of words: 1265 - Number of pages: 5

.... into the eyes of a dying comrade, whose legs have torn off due to the shrapnel of a mortar, can not sympathize with the broken hearts of the soldiers. They only visualize a possibly strenuous battle resulting in few casualties and from which their troops emerge elated and victorious. The soldiers on the front lines actually experience events, which scar their minds with thoughts of death and destruction. Remarque displays these ideas of pain and suffering through ignorance, fear, and inhumanity. Remarque depicts the misconception of war, by capturing the unk .....

The Masque Of Red Death: No One Can Hide From Death
Number of words: 972 - Number of pages: 4

.... less fortunate and only those few selected should be cared for. After the fifth or sixth month together a masquerade is planned, and in typical "Poesque" fashion the great halls are described in imagery that foreshadows a horror to follow. The "masque" takes place in the imperial suite, which consisted of seven very distinct rooms. Seven being a symbol - seven wonders of the world, seven deadly sins with seven corresponding cardinal virtues. Seven also suggesting the stages of one's life, from birth to death (Birth, childhood, teenage, young adult, middle ag .....

The Ironies Of 1984
Number of words: 421 - Number of pages: 2

.... Oceania, "Big Brother." The concept of a big brother is one whom is older and wiser and helps the "littler siblings" -- this not the case with 1984's Big Brother. The Big Brother in this novel completely watches over every move a person makes keeping them controlled with fear. The next type of irony is Situation irony, which is when a character or a sequence of events appears to be headed one way, but it ends up as the opposite of what was thought. One example of this is Winston's general health. From the beginning of the book, it is shown how horrible his heal .....

Summer Of The Monkeys: Summary
Number of words: 347 - Number of pages: 2

.... and found them under the bank of the bottoms. Jay Berry led them home and fed them. He went to his grandpas store and told him about it. Then he sent a telegram to the circus. They they came and gave Jay Berry the money. Then he asked his grandpa about a pony. The next day he went to pick from 2 ponies. The one he wanted to buy was wounded so he would not buy it. Instead he went home and gave the money to his parents for the operation on his sisters old twisted leg. After everyone left for the operation but Jay Berry and papa everything got quiet. Papa go .....

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