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Term Papers on Health and Medicine

What Are Visual Defects And How Common Are They ?
Number of words: 344 - Number of pages: 2

.... the retina forming an image in reverse and upside-down. Finally light- sensitive cells in the retina transmit the image via the optic nerve to the brain by electrical signals. Then the brain flips the image so it looks right- side-up to you. You can find a diagram of the above on page 3. The most common visual defects are nearsightedness and farsightedness. In nearsightedness, also known as myopia, the eye is longer than usual. This is corrected by using a concave lens to spread the light rays just enough to increase the eye's focal length. Hyperopia, .....

Obstetrician Vs. Midwife
Number of words: 1442 - Number of pages: 6

.... the midwife lets things happen. The doctor trusts technology and is wary of nature. The midwife trusts nature and is cautious about technology. The obstetrician fears a birth may go wrong. The midwife expects the birth will go right. "Midwife" is a word that comes from the old English words mit wif, literally "with woman." A midwife is a person who is "with woman," especially during the period of pregnancy, birth, and caring for the newborn. Some people also use the word midwife as a verb, meaning to help give birth, as in "She 'midwifed' the project." The th .....

Huntington's Disease
Number of words: 304 - Number of pages: 2

.... as an indicator of the presence of the gene causing the disease. In March 1993, the journal Cell announced that the Huntington's Disease Collaborative Research Group had discovered the gene behind the disease. This was a major breakthrough in the effort to understand and eventually work toward a treatment of the disorder. Our group has decided to have the child. We have a steady income of $52,000 and are insured through our employers. Our counselor said that it was souly our decision to whether or not we wanted to have a child, but he warned us that the chil .....

The Two Sides Dealing With Abortion
Number of words: 1891 - Number of pages: 7

.... woman's choice to get an abortion, depending on their reason. They believe it is the woman's body and she has the right to choose what happens to it. Some people may even be in between both of the sides. This is a very emotional topic and a lot of factors are involved in what people believe. Some factors that might influence whether a person are Pro-Life or Pro-Choice is the individuals up-bringing, personal experiences and religion. I am one of the people who agree, to a certain extent, with both sides. I am mainly on the Pro-Choice point of view, but the .....

Teen Smoking
Number of words: 276 - Number of pages: 2

.... a large percentage of teens today are getting their cigarettes from stores, mostly gas stations or convenience store. As teens continue to be able to buy their own cigarettes, more and more communities begin to impose stronger punishments on merchants who sell to the teens. One community has experienced success in their attempts to stop the sale of tobacco products to minors. Woodridge, Illinois, started a program seven years ago which forbade and strictly punished the sale of tobacco products to minors. The entire program includes local licensing of vendors, repeated undercover inspections to see if .....

Number of words: 1901 - Number of pages: 7

.... poses classic dilemmas as to its morality, it is not surprising that many issues arise in the legal and medical arenas. In law, the resolution of a particular case cannot always be applied to resolve another. In the medical realm, interpretation of medical doctrine concerning treatment of terminally ill patients can result in entirely different applications. In two relatively recent cases, the Supreme Court had to decide the future of patients that were considered to be in chronically persistent vegetative states. The courts had to decide wheth .....

Impotency: New Therapy
Number of words: 140 - Number of pages: 1

.... than most other treatments. According to almost 60 medical centers all over the United States of America, the new approach has been found. Transurethral Alprostadil has enabled 64.9% of all men with erectile disfunction to have an erection during sexual intercourse, compared to 18.6% on placebo. Other therapies include needle injection, vacuum devices, and implants. the new treatment is used by inserting an applicator containing a microspository of aprosital into the urethra after going to the bathroom. When a button on the applicator is pressed the suppository is deposited into the urethral lining. .....

Number of words: 848 - Number of pages: 4

.... does creatine effect? Well it benefits those people who are serious about training body builders, track and field (mostly throwers), sprint swimmers, anyone who works out for long periods of time at high intensity. So it won't benefit you if your idea of a work out is getting some food from the kitchen for the movie you are about to watch. As of right now creatine is legal in every level of competition from high school to professional to Olympic. So is it worth taking? If you ask anyone who is taking creatine they will say yes. How bad can it be i .....

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