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Term Papers on Health and Medicine

Abortion And My Own Thoughts
Number of words: 845 - Number of pages: 4

.... at this rate, but where would we be emotionally? Speaking from a “my” point of view, I wouldn't get to far. I enjoy children profusely and thinking that there are 1.9 million children less in the world every year sends shivers down my spine. But I guess you may say that it is not my place to speak. There are fewer deaths per million abortions than per million births according to the Planned Parenthood survey of 1995. There are nine deaths per million abortion procedures and sixty-three deaths per million births. Both complications and the death rate rise .....

Neural Networks
Number of words: 2975 - Number of pages: 11

.... classification (He95). Neural networks may be applied to translate images into keywords or even translate financial data into financial predictions (Wo96). Neural networks utilize a parallel processing structure that has large numbers of processors and many interconnections between them. These processors are much simpler than typical central processing units (He90). In a neural network, each processor is linked to many of its neighbors so that there are many more interconnections than processors. The power of the neural network lies in the tremendous numbe .....

Number of words: 2067 - Number of pages: 8

.... strike at any age. Ten percent of the adult drinkers in the U.S. are considered alcoholics or at least experience drinking problems to some degree. Surveys have shown that more than one out of three Americans have a personal friend or relative who has had a drinking problem for ten years or longer. Almost two out of three Americans report that they know someone who drinks too much. It is estimated that there are 18 million alcoholic or problem drinkers in the U.S. For every alcoholic there are at least four other people who are affected by the alcoholic. Th .....

Solutions To The Abortion Issue
Number of words: 600 - Number of pages: 3

.... the value of life. I would hope that our next leader would lead America to respect all levels of life, including the life of the unborn”(Thomas). This is a statement that the majority of the population would agree with. The thing now is that we need to get on into office that is able to pass laws making it more difficult for one to have an abortion done. In the past George W. Bush has passed laws in Texas making it to where a minor has to have the permission of a parent to have this procedure done. This was a step to making abortion harder to have done a .....

From The Menstral Cycle To Birth
Number of words: 478 - Number of pages: 2

.... to expell the endometrium. However, if the egg is fertilized the level of estrogen and progesterone must remain high so the endometrium is not shed. The outer layer of the egg mass(blastocyct) produces a hormone(HCG) to maintain the corpus luteum for the first 3 months of pregnancy so it can provide high levels of estrogen and progesterone. After the third month the placenta provides enough estrogen and progesterone to maintain the endometrium and also to inhibit further ovulation. Conception is when the egg and the sperm meet in the oviduct to form the zy .....

Number of words: 202 - Number of pages: 1

.... some change they do not understand or over which they have little control. In its most general form, counseling provides a context for such change. How to evplain any change, how to assess its direction or to predictg irs effects, and how to understand the meaning any change may have for the client are questions the effective counselor must ask. The counselor relies on the concepts of human development to assess the client's level of functioning and uses different developmental theories as lenses through which to view the client. The professional counselor appreciates that people are different but .....

Theories Of Knowledge And Psychological Applications
Number of words: 3137 - Number of pages: 12

.... McCulloch and Pitts published their model theory ( Arbib, 1995). In 1948 Rashevsky proposed a number of neural network models to explain psychological phenomena. During this era not enough was known about the brain, subsequently he was considered ahead of his time. Rashevsky relied heavily upon complex mathematical equations within his model, consequently many people simply did not understand his theoretical perspective ( Martindale, 1991). In 1958 Rosenblatt proposed his theory on neural network models which focused on perception. The theory elicited a great d .....

Marijuana As Medicine?
Number of words: 1661 - Number of pages: 7

.... for its medicinal purposes, and should be legally available for doctors to prescribe to their patients, judging by their therapeutic need for it. The oldest known medical use of marijuana dates back to the Emperor Shen-Nung in China in the 28th century BC. He prescribed it for such things as constipation, malaria, and absentmindedness. (Medical Marijuana, www.normal.com) Marijuana was also commonly used medically in, but not restricted to ancient Egypt to treat sore eyes, ancient India as an anesthetic, and ancient Greece to treat earaches and infl .....

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