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Term Papers on Legal and Government

The Pros And Cons About Legalizing Marijuana
Number of words: 2445 - Number of pages: 9

.... patients. Their position is that marijuana can have harmful long-term effects. The Anti-Legalization Forum explains that some of these effects are: impairment of the immune system due to the inability of T-cells to battle off diseases, delaying puberty in both males and females, and unhealthy and smaller children born to women who used marijuana during pregnancy. The Drug Enforcement Administration believes that since marijuana is not accepted by any American health associations, there is no reason to legalize the drug. They think that the main reason why pr .....

Compare And Contrast
Number of words: 973 - Number of pages: 4

.... culture and history, their revolutions with sex, clothes, and music will serve as foundations for future generations to come. As the years go by between generation and generation, one facet has remained a controversial topic, sex. The invention of the birth control pill allowed women in the ‘60s to feel a sense of sexual freedom and allowed them the opportunity to be with anyone they pleased. With this new found freedom, women and men were able to enjoy each others company and not have to worry about the risks of child birth as well as the spread of diseases. Th .....

Number of words: 373 - Number of pages: 2

.... of no regulation. If some of our is given up, then we can get somewhere. If we are willing to give some up, then we can give that to certain groups and organizations that have the facilities, knowledge, and technology to help keep us safe and healthy (FDA), employed (AFL), living in a clean environment (EPA), and to allow us to hold on to more of our money (ICC). If all of our is given up, then we have lost the meaning for which the pilgrims sailed to America. To go somewhere where they could think for themselves and not be told what to do or how to liv .....

Marijuana: The Legalization
Number of words: 900 - Number of pages: 4

.... state governments to implement a plan for the safe and affordable distribution of marijuana to all patients in medical need of marijuana. (Proposition 215 Section 11362.5) Of course, it goes on and breaks into fine detail into which I choose not to venture. To summarize it all, if you're sick, or think you are, your doc can get you some pot. Just like that. So what's so great about this? It supposedly brings relief to those with terminal illnesses. (Such were listed in 215) Cancer sufferers who are inflicted with nausea due to chemotherapy .....

Electrocution Is The Only Way
Number of words: 666 - Number of pages: 3

.... and suggests alternative actions such as lethal injections. Nevertheless, his view is very bias and provides argumentative grounds for the audience at hand. Earl Maucker has chosen to write about a controversial topic that is in the back of most reader’s minds. Therefore, it is not very hard for him to quickly gain the interest of several readers. However, his credibility is another issue. As a newspaper columnist for the Sun Sentinel, Maucker has minimal credibility. As an editor, he makes this very evident trough his use of bias opinions. .....

The Potential For A U.N. Peace
Number of words: 4200 - Number of pages: 16

.... that the United Nations would play a major role in peacekeeping. Yet, there are a variety of political components at play, and there has been tensions due to NATO's military mission, as well as Russia and China's ambivalent role in all of this. How all of these factors play out will essentially affect the peacekeeping efforts by the U.N. In examining the potential for the U.N.'s presence in the region, the political implications as well as the reasons for the war in the first place, are all important. First, an in depth look at the conflict in Kosovo is nec .....

Models Of Political Ideology
Number of words: 1210 - Number of pages: 5

.... and moderate. The first, left-liberals, believe in governing themselves on personal matters, but they want government to control economics. The left-liberals "want government to serve the disadvantaged in the name of fairness. Leftists tolerate social diversity, but work for economic equality" (Libertarian 1). The opposite of the left-liberals is the right-conservatives. This group believes in free-markets with government putting a check on personal freedom. "Right-conservatives prefer self-government on economic issues, but want official standards in per .....

A Country's Actions And The Most Important Factor From A Domestic Perspective
Number of words: 1633 - Number of pages: 6

.... a calculus of goals and possible options. The second model is known as the organizational process model. This model sees government as a combination of different organizations. It focuses on organizational goals and constraints, standard operating procedures, and budget effects. The third and final model is known as the governmental politics model. This model is made up of different decision makers, leadership is not just monophonic, and there are many different individuals that need to be taken into consideration. This model focuses on individual characteris .....

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