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Term Papers on Legal and Government

Number of words: 5238 - Number of pages: 20

.... conception of a rights holder's cause of action. This subsection reads: Any woman has a claim hereunder as a woman acting against the subordination of women. Any man, child or transsexual who alleges injury by in the way women are injured by it also has a claim. [emphasis added] My goal in this paper is to suggest that a slight modification to this subsection of the ordinance would make it very difficult for liberals and legal conservatives to object to it. This modification would restrict the cause of action to the same persons as the other sections of the .....

Medicalizing Drugs
Number of words: 817 - Number of pages: 3

.... we will now be supporting individuals drug habits. Alan Dershowitz states "But since we can neither eliminate heroin nor the demand for it, there is a powerful case for medicalizing as much of the problem as feasible." This statement is ludicrous, it would not change society in the slightest other than we would now have higher taxes in order to support these individuals drug habit. These individuals would now have no reason to try and better themselves in society, which means they would continue to depend on the American public to support them. People th .....

Being A Good Biologist
Number of words: 1074 - Number of pages: 4

.... doctrines of what we know about science. Albert Einstien, popular among young scientists, was certainly not taken seriously as a ‘good physicist’ until the old scientist who rejected his theories had died (Sakimura, Jean. 1998. MCB41X Discussion). To Prove by using mathematical sense, is possible only if you have the luxury of defining the universe you operate in. A scientist should be able to evaluate, using a common definition, the fact based upon empirical evidence. The more and better evidence will certainly build a case to eventually assign a fact to it. .....

Was Khruschev's Foreign Policy Successful?
Number of words: 847 - Number of pages: 4

.... French and British leaders in Geneva. The meeting yielded a few concrete results, but it did not provide an impetus for the policy Khrushchev was calling “peaceful co-existence”. Although certainly not insignificant, these episodes proved to be islands of co-operation a sea of confrontation. They did not prevent hardening of Europe’s division into Eastern and Western Blocs. The Soviet reaction included organising the Warsaw pact, the Moscow dominated military alliance that after 1955 stood opposed to Nato across Europe. The Soviets also worked to mend .....

Sex Education In The Classroom
Number of words: 643 - Number of pages: 3

.... these diseases are. Living in a small community, many youth believe that getting a sexually transmitted disease will never happen to them. But our children need to know that there are diseases in our country like Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Genital Herpes, Genital Warts, Hepatitis, and even AIDS. Since 1986, Syphilis cases have increased by 100 percent (Haas and Haas 441). These kinds of facts need to be brought to students' attention. However, just because we inform our children of these diseases does not mean that they will not catch them, but they still .....

How Television Affects Society
Number of words: 926 - Number of pages: 4

.... any school shootings before the Columbine incident. Now that the constant round the clock news coverage of Columbine has concluded, there is been well over seven more reported incidents of school shootings that will probably never reach the amount of coverage that Columbine got because school shootings are no longer a novelty. Do you wonder why these kids did what they did? It is because of the amount of violence that is now being shown all across the news. In one weeks worth of time of watching the ten o’clock news, I have seen blood drenched war victims give .....

The Reagan Tax Cuts And Foreign Policy
Number of words: 1354 - Number of pages: 5

.... work, and economic efficiency. This policy would impose a 25% across-the-board cut in personal marginal tax rates. In the act of decreasing marginal tax rates, and stimulating economic incentives, ERTA would increase the flow of resources into production, thus lifting economic growth. This policy received much criticism because its opponents argued that ERTA would be a giveaway to the rich, because their tax payments would collapse. Reagan worked hard and skillfully with the congress to obtain legislation to stimulate economic growth and curb i .....

The Brady Bill
Number of words: 4210 - Number of pages: 16

.... who was shot in the head and partially paralyzed in the assassination attempt on the president in 1981. This bill was about a waiting period on handgun purchases allowing police to check the backgrounds of the prospective buyers to make sure that guns are not sold to convicted felons or to those who are mentally unstable. Even the proponents of the bill agreed that the effect of the bill on curbing the gun violence might be minimal considering the fact that the majority of guns used for criminal purposes were purchased through illegal dealers. However, the Br .....

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