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Term Papers on Legal and Government

Mitchell V. Wisconsin: Why Mitchell V. Wisconsin Sucked
Number of words: 3340 - Number of pages: 13

.... a white boy, Go get him." The boy was left unconscious, and remained in a coma for four days. Mitchell was convicted of aggravated battery, which carries a two year maximum sentence. The Wisconsin jury, however, found that because Mitchell selected his victim based on race, the penalty enhancement law allowed Mitchell to be sentenced to up to seven years. The jury sentenced Mitchell to four years, twice the maximum for the crime he committed without the penalty enhancement law. The U.S. Supreme Court's ruling was faulty, and defied a number of preced .....

Human Rights In China
Number of words: 2644 - Number of pages: 10

.... (China Country Report on Human Rights Practices for 1999). CCP stresses that it needs to maintain stability and social order. The Government's poor human rights record in 1999 shows the extent at which the Government intensified efforts to suppress its 1.27 billion people. A crackdown against a newly formed opposition party, which began in the fall of 1998, broadened and intensified during the year. By the end of 1998, almost all of the key leaders of the China Democracy Party (CDP) were serving long prison terms or were in custody without any formal charge .....

Number of words: 4386 - Number of pages: 16

.... who in reality is using arguments of a bygone Century? It is an incontrovertible fact of biological science - Make no Mistake - that from the moment of conception, a new human life has been created. Only those who allow their emotional passion to overide their knowledge, can deny it: only those who are irrational or ignorant of science, doubt that when a human sperm fertilizes a human ovum a new human being is created. A new human being who carries genes in its cells that make that human being uniquely different from any and other human being and yet, undeniabl .....

Thesis: More Should Be Done To Reform The United States Prison System
Number of words: 1394 - Number of pages: 6

.... and 49 invited guests b) catered prime rib D. Vocational training 1. Charles Logan quote a) treatment not effective in rehabilitation E. Hilleary Van quote 1. unsensible to provide luxuries to criminals that many citizens can’t afford III. EARLY RELEASE A. Overcrowding B. Repeat appeals 1. death-row cases take up to 20 years to finish 2. since 1976, 50 death-row inmates have been released C. Juvenile punishment 1. Craig Price, a four-time killer a) released after four years b) criminal record sealed c) father o .....

Leading By Example: Drugs And The Presidency
Number of words: 1103 - Number of pages: 5

.... in international news coverage. This is not a responsibility that should be taken lightly, after all, only forty-two men have had a chance to do it. Negative publicity created by something such as Bush’s drug use will be broadcast to other countries. This should concern you, the reader, because the president’s image is all some foreigners know of our country. For instance, consider the disgrace brought upon the United States by the President Clinton/Monica Lewinsky scandal. This issue was the primary focus of the news for months. Although that scandal wa .....

The Secret Service
Number of words: 284 - Number of pages: 2

.... was counterfeit. On July 5, 1865, the Secret Service was created as a bureau under the Department of the Treasury to combat the counterfeiting going on. Within less than a decade, counterfeiting was drastically reduced due to . During these early years investigated cases as well. These cases included the Teapot Dome oil scandals, the Ku Klux Klan, Government land frauds, and counterespionage activity during the Spanish- American War and World War I. In 1901, President William McKinley was assassinated in Buffalo, New York. Since this had been the 3rd president killed in a span of 36 years, .....

Ban Smoking In Public Places
Number of words: 583 - Number of pages: 3

.... pregnant, what if that smoker sits in a room filled with young children and inflicts her choice on to them. Smoking has become anti social in the 1990,s and the non-smokers voice can now be heard loud and clear. The government has an ongoing campaign to make mothers aware of the damage-smoking can do to the defenceless unborn child. If a woman smokes during pregnancy the she delivers nicotine and carbon monoxide into her babies blood stream. The baby is more likely to be born small and be more prone to illness in the first months of it s life than the child of n .....

Should Quebec (or Other Provinces) Separate From Canada In Order To Best Protect Its Constitutional Rights?
Number of words: 550 - Number of pages: 2

.... culture and language. Furthermore if French-Canadian wants to avoid any influence from other culture, France is the greatest place for them. Moreover, the Canada government will lose money if Quebec separates by dealing with the separation affairs, like to help people in Quebec back to Canada who do not want to separate. Separation also leads to the decreasing of trade in Canada, and even the whole world. Quebec is a big trade market in Canada. People will lose this big market if Quebec is no longer a province of Canada. This will not only harmful to Cana .....

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