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Term Papers on Legal and Government

Gay Parenting
Number of words: 2055 - Number of pages: 8

.... that balance efficiently. Each parent (mom or dad) socializes the child differently and the child needs to be introduced to both worlds. I will then proceed to critique both sides on strengths and weaknesses, based on facts, studies, and my own opinion, and then draw some of my own conclusions on this controversial topic of . Pro Position There is no valid reason for refusing to call lesbian and gay headed household families. They fall under every conceivable criterion for identifying families and the concept of a Family. "They are groups of coresident kin pro .....

Police Brutality
Number of words: 722 - Number of pages: 3

.... Florida, five men died while in the custody of the Tampa Bay police Department (C.C. 27). The thing is, the Tampa Bay Police Department is made up of mostly white officers, but of the five men who died, none where white. Four of the five men that died where African Americans, and the other man was a Mexican National. If the incident in Tampa Bay does not show a person racism, this event might. In New York City, an average of seven Latin Americans were killed a year between 1986 to 1989, but in 1990, that number increased greatly. In that year, twenty-thr .....

Alcohol Research Paper
Number of words: 1234 - Number of pages: 5

.... effects, not the negative long-term consequences. People who regularly turn to alcohol eventually begin to neglect their families and other responsibilities, consequently wrecking the lives of loved ones and their own as well. While the lasting negative effects of alcohol use are spewed daily through the media, the problems will not stop until society completely understands how alcohol can indeed pose a serious threat to the nations social welfare. Alcohol has an adverse effect on the economy. The consequences of alcohol abuse and dependence cost the nati .....

Hcokey Night In Canada
Number of words: 302 - Number of pages: 2

.... the hefty price of top-class players. While places in the United States get government funding and tax cuts. The Canadian government should help out Canadian teams, before we lose everything to the United States. Also a salary cap should be imposed, I think the maximum a team should pay for a hockey player is 4 million a year (currently the highest is 8 million a year). One last thing, cut down on the number of teams! Hockey will get more and more boring if you keep on adding teams to places that get less than 13’000 people a game, that should lower the number of .....

Number of words: 885 - Number of pages: 4

.... or a bong. Recently, it has appeared in cigars called blunts which are larger and, therefore, more dangerous. Marijuana is a green, brown, or a gray mixture of dried, shredded flowers and leaves of the hemp plant (Cannabis sativa). There are many slang names for marijuana such as pot, weed, boom, gangster, and Mary Jane. This drug causes Timing, coordination, alertness, and performance to be affected in a negative way. Marijuana has THC in it which is absorbed by fatty tissues in various organs. THC can be detected using urine tests and it will stay in your syste .....

Talk Shows In Society
Number of words: 892 - Number of pages: 4

.... Winfrey Show and the Montel Wiliams Show are focused on improvement of society and the quality of life. They focus on topics such as children, the workplace, everyday life and sometimes have interviews with respectable celebrities. You can catch shows with titles such as “Teaching Your Children Responsibly”, or “How to Manage Your Work Week”. These shows actually educate people and teach the child right from wrong. They also have shows exposing things such as child or spousal abuse and make people aware of these dangers. People even feel a special attachment t .....

"Three Strikes And You're Out"
Number of words: 441 - Number of pages: 2

.... yet again onto the same streets. Right now you're thinking “stupid kid, stealing a soda and candy bar he deserves what he gets,” but then our little buddy goes out and snatches a purse from some poor old lady. Well that's the big 3! Under this new law, this crime would be tried as a misdemeanor but would have s felonious sentence. Our buddy gets sent to 7 years at the state penitentiary. While lodging at one of our nations finest resorts, our sticky handed friend meets Bruno. After a painful greet and hello the two become close personal friends. Bruno ha .....

ANwar Sadats DEcision To Make
Number of words: 1570 - Number of pages: 6

.... the fact that Israel could be a Jewish state, all the Arabs had on their minds was the destruction of the country. Anwar Sadat was prepared to sacrifice one million soldiers in the destruction of Israel (Bard, http://www.us-israel.org/jsource/History/73_War.html). The Suez War(1956), which followed the Israeli War of Independence, the British, French, and the US agreed not to supply the Israeli or Arabs with any needed weapons. Since they could not get weapons from those countries, Egypt made an arms deal with Czechoslovakia. Now, with their weapons, Egypt was .....

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