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Term Papers on Legal and Government

In Cold Blood: Death Penalty
Number of words: 1369 - Number of pages: 5

.... death penalty is irrational- a fact that should carry considerable weight with rationalists. As Albert Camus pointed out, " Capital punishment....has always been a religious punishment and is reconcilable with humanism." In other words, society has long since left behind the archaic and barbous" customs" from the cruel "eye for an eye" anti-human caves of religion- another factor that should raise immediate misgivings for freethinkers. State killings are morally bankrupt. Why do governments kill people to show other people that killing people is wrong? .....

Against Gun Control
Number of words: 679 - Number of pages: 3

.... In one study, researchers found no significant differences in total robbery rates between cities where guns were widely available and cities where they were not; in cities with fewer firearms, armed robbers simply used other weapons.(5)The best available evidence, based on at least eight national surveys of the general adult population, indicates that guns are used about as often for defensive as for criminal purposes.6 The experience of other nations also provides little support for the notion that guns cause crime.(7) Switzerland has one of the lowest murd .....

Life Or Death
Number of words: 1597 - Number of pages: 6

.... There are many views on the topic of euthanasia, some people believe that it should be open to anyone who feels that their life is not worth living; while others think that there is no justifiable reason for euthanasia be allowed. These opposing sides have many different reasons for believing what they do, some reasons people give for euthanasia are intriguing and very thought provoking. Some people believe that a person with an incurable disease or severe disability that causes life to be racked with pain or so burdensome that a meaningful and desirable ex .....

The Gap Between The Rich And T
Number of words: 713 - Number of pages: 3

.... who have harvested their crops by manpower for hundreds of years? We know for a fact that the money we grant is not being used adequately. A lot of the money is taken by the governments of the less developed countries, and a great amount of the sum are not being used to the purposes they are meant for. Bribery and corruption are huge problems in developing countries. It makes more sense to dig wells for people who walk for miles every day to get their daily water supply, than to support officials with BMWs and grand houses. The World Bank was established, and .....

Number of words: 730 - Number of pages: 3

.... the plant exist throughout the world. In Africa, is known as "dagga", in China as "ma", in Northern Europe as "hemp" and in the United States as either "pot", "buds", "reefer", "weed" or the more direct, "smoke". goes back over five thousand years. It is one of the oldest agricultural commodities not grown for food. Hemp, first cultivated in China as early as 2800 B.C., soon stretched to central Asia where it spread like milkweed or thistle. soon began to crowd out neighboring grasses and reaching heights of three to twenty feet stretched over large pl .....

"Legalization Of Marijuana"
Number of words: 1385 - Number of pages: 6

.... smoke marijuana. Protests were formed and marches and festivals were held. On the other side of this was the government cracking down and forming new laws to keep it illegal. In the 1980’s the fight to legalize marijuana was decreased, but the groups like "N.O.R.M.A.L." were still around. Although the people weren’t so strong-willed to legalize it they still fought. New and harder drugs were now popular and marijuana wasn’t as "popular." In the early 1990’s the drug was once again popular after the side effects of the new drugs were seen. The drug’s popul .....

Falsely Accused
Number of words: 496 - Number of pages: 2

.... ? This innocent man or the media , who obviously will print what it takes true or untrue , to make a story . I think that we as Americans owe the accused of there legal right of innocent until proven guilty before we can start accusing them publicly. There is no reason to believe what is being said in the media until there is some definite truth in the case . I mean just because the cops may have beliefs that there is guilt means nothing . After all the FBI gave the media information and it was plain and simply wrong . The way the FBI handled the case was atroci .....

Misunderstanding Life
Number of words: 2169 - Number of pages: 8

.... What the teacher said to me during that time seemed to me as a bunch of garbage and it didn't effect me, I knew what I was going to do (be a pest) and not do (be a angel). Even though this was the meanest teacher that was in the school and we disagreed on many things, I felt that he sensed that I respected him. In the middle of the school year I was often catching myself doing things that I wasn't supposed to, just to test my boundaries. The process of my intellectual life changing came about because of a thing that I did to a girl. One day a girl and I were wa .....

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