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Term Papers on Miscellaneous

Number of words: 877 - Number of pages: 4

.... He has the most power in their entire religious system of beliefs. There are many many people who believe in this religion, and have done so for centuries. This child is trained from a very young age on and is selected to lead a virtuous life. He practices things that Aristotle would view as virtuous, for example, courage, pride, justice, and temperance. This child could easily get in more “practice time” of virtuous activity than the average person, even more than a person who is on their way to being virtuous who is an adult. According to Aristotle’s .....

Hobbes Philosophy
Number of words: 983 - Number of pages: 4

.... For example, if I were to donate to charity, I am actually taking delight in demonstrating my power. Hobbes believes that any account of human action, including morality, must be consistent with the fact that we are all self-serving. His theory notes that humans are essentially equal, both mentally and physically, so that even the weakest person has the strength to kill the strongest (p.44). Given our equal standing, Hobbes believes that there are three natural causes of quarrel among people: competition for limited supplies of material possessions, distr .....

School Has To Be More Fun
Number of words: 777 - Number of pages: 3

.... With this money the school will be able to buy better equipment, like better computers for example. Better equipment will make learning more efficient and therefore more fun. The school can also use the money to organize more sporting events, dances, movie nights and many more. This will make students look forward to waking up early and going to school and will therefore give students more positive energy to learn. Finally the extra money will also help the most important part of the school, the teachers. Teachers can be offered special bonuses for having a high .....

Descartes Second Meditation
Number of words: 1256 - Number of pages: 5

.... first premise implies that Descartes believes that there are only three ways to perceive things. The structure of the argument is based around the type of argument known as an argument by elimination. Argument made by elimination exists by beginning with a number of possibilities, then ruling out all but one possibility, therefore making that possibility be true. In his argument he gives three possibilities, in his first premise, then rules out the first two, to come to the conclusion stated above. There are also some implicit premises through the argument. .....

Preference Reversal And Expert
Number of words: 520 - Number of pages: 2

.... further showed that this overpricing is largely due to a phenomena known as scale compatibility, which involves certain biases when the response required by the subject is in the same units as the factors influencing the decision. Since the payoffs of the bets and the buy-out prices assigned to them are both monetary values, this leads people to give greater weight to the payoff value of the bets when asked to price them (a situation of compatibility) than when asked to choose between them (a situation of non-compatibility). The development of expertise in av .....

Functions Of Memory
Number of words: 304 - Number of pages: 2

.... encode, store or maintain information for thirty seconds. A person may want to rememjber certain details of information. Repeatedly verbalizing and thinking about it, will keep that information in memory. Information contained in short-term memory is available for less than twenty and no more than thirty seconds. It must be transferred to long-term memory, or it will be lost. Long term-memory is the storage system tha keeps a permanent record of information. Information such as names, dates, places, events, and smells can be found in long-term memory. .....

Fleurs Tracks
Number of words: 1129 - Number of pages: 5

.... one character is the driving force for both of the narrators’ stories. This central character is Fleur Pillager. She in fact is the protagonist of “Tracks”. Even though she is limited in dialogues, her actions speak more than words itself. Structurally speaking, Fleur is mentioned in every chapter of the book, either being referred to by the two narrators or being part of the story. In fact, after researching the novel several times, no other character including the two narrators is consistently mentioned in every chapter. In the first c .....

Egyptian Cuisine
Number of words: 1863 - Number of pages: 7

.... from leavened dough allowed to rise in the sun, while plain aysh comes in long, skinny, French-style loaves. Hard, dry aysh can be softened in water, and if you have a fire available, warmed over an open flame. Along with aysh, the native bean supplies most of Egypt's people with their daily rations. Ful can be cooked several ways: in ful midamess, the whole beans are boiled, with vegetables if desired, and then mashed with onions, tomatoes, and spices. This mixture is often served with an egg for breakfast, without the egg for other meals . A similar sauce, .....

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