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Fibonacci Numbers
Number of words: 566 - Number of pages: 3

.... This book, though, was somewhat contraversial because it contradicted and even proved some of the foremost Roman and Grecian Mathematicians of the time to be false. He published many famous mathematical books. Some of them were Practica geometriae in 1220 and Liber quadratorum in 1225. The Fibonacci sequence is also used in the Pascal trianle. The sum of each diagnal row is a fibonacci number. They are also in the right sequence: 1,1,2,5,8......... Fibonacci sequence has been a big factor in many patterns of things in nature. One has found that th .....

A Couple Of Yahoos
Number of words: 626 - Number of pages: 3

.... in electrical engineering in 1990. It was there that he met David Filo. Filo and Yang were doctoral students in computer engineering. As one of their assignments they were working on the computer-aided design of computer chip circuitry. For this project they were set up in an “office” which was really a trailer that was filled with computers and equipment. “ I was terribly bored,” Filo stated, “And with our faculty advisor out of town we started to fool around on the World Wide Web.” They soon became very frustrated with the World Wide Web. It seriously .....

Virtual Reality Today And Beyo
Number of words: 863 - Number of pages: 4

.... ways of entering a virtual world by way of computer and monitor with input device. However, the most complex uses a Datasuit along with the Eyephone device to fully engulf one into cyberspace with simultaneous six-degrees of freedom (Robst 2). The Datasuit is an instrumented full-body garment that enables full-body interaction with a computer constructed world. The Eyephone is a head mounted stereo display that shows a computer made virtual world in full color with three dimensions. This display can be computer generated or real via video cameras, which wit .....

High School Vs. College
Number of words: 421 - Number of pages: 2

.... done, their kids made it to class every day and were home in time for curfew. When students get to college, they are suddenly faced with all sorts of new freedoms. They will have to choose priorities and decide whether to do homework or go out with friends. No one will be there to tell the students what they ought to do. A second change a student will have to make when going to college is learning to live with a roommate. While living at home, a student could always escape from everything and be alone just by going to his bedroom. In college, there will usua .....

Number of words: 900 - Number of pages: 4

.... of Ahimsa, a Sanskrit word interpreted as "dynamic harmlessness," along with advocating service to humanity, nature and creation. In other words, in order to practice veganism, it is not sufficient to simply avoid specific foods and products; it is necessary to actively participate in beneficial selfless action as well. Omitting animal products from one's life is a passive action; it does not necessitate asserting oneself, it merely involves avoidance. In order to actually implement and realize Ahimsa, we must engage the "dynamic" part of "dynamic harmlessness." .....

Voice Recognition Software
Number of words: 707 - Number of pages: 3

.... System requirements include: 133 MHz Pentium Processor, IBM-compatible PC, Window 95, NT 3.51 or 4.0, SoundBlaster 16 sound card, 60 MB. In later editions of Dragon software they plan to have a multiuser suport and better command and control. Another feature Dragon plans to come out with is different language software. Some features that come with Dragon NaturallySpeaking are you don't have to pause in between words, dialects, accents and individual pronunciations are quickly and automatically, a large 30,000 word active vocabulary contains .....

Memory, Expanding Your Mind
Number of words: 941 - Number of pages: 4

.... cases these people never took the time to learn whatever they thought they could remember. Most scientists believe there is no such thing as a good or bad memory, only good and bad learners. Depending on the amount of attention a person gives to something depends on how well a person will remember that fact or event. Beginning at the age of 50, people of similar ages begin to differentiate more and more from one another in their mental performance. Some memories drop noticeably, but many stay the same or even rise. Most investigators agree that no mental decline .....

The Arena Football League
Number of words: 420 - Number of pages: 2

.... wants their league to get off the ground and soar. Granted, Kurt Warner’s excellent play this past season and the fact that he came from the AFL helped to boost the AFL’s publicity. The CEO’s and owners of the AFL need to put their heads together and find what they need to get their league above water. If they get more publicity and a consequently larger fan base they will be able to expand. Again bluntly, expansion leads to money. The game-play format of the AFL is at the completely opposite end of the sporting spectrum of that of the NFL. The field is 50 y .....

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