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Confused In America
Number of words: 1667 - Number of pages: 7

.... backing me up. The worst of it is to go back to go on being a professor and moonli ghter and in any case, I will still be among the para-middle-class. As to the money I spend here, well, just treat it as the money I lose in Las Vegas. But still I am no big gambler. When I talk about going abroad before I went abroad, we talked it in such a way that it seemed we would rather do anything to stay abroad. Even the jails in America are better than the shabby house of my home in a big yar d in Beijing. If I was a big gambler, I would just s .....

My Personal View Of Mathematics
Number of words: 299 - Number of pages: 2

.... me from a fuel consumption problem. Even early in my career. To get my licenses I am going to have to manage my hours. So, as anyone can see math is all around us. Math is in everything we do, in every day. Where would the world be without math? Would my career still be the same? To answer these questions, we must take a look at the historical advancement of math. We must also look at its effects on mankind. Before the invention of counting devices, such as the abacus, we were limited to fingers and toes. When we needed more units, we lined up neighbors. Then there was a revelation. As we needed to count .....

Online Recruiting And Employee
Number of words: 4754 - Number of pages: 18

.... The Intranet is used for internal recruiting purposes within a company and is a system that allows employees to view job openings at the company they currently work for. Through both the Internet and Intranet, job applicants can view the available positions and submit their resumes online. Employees can review several resumes and follow up by contacting candidates for interviews. Job recruiting over the Internet allows candidates and corporations a chance to connect. Online recruiting is a fast growing, popular service of the World Wide Web that many org .....

Wages Of Sport Athletes
Number of words: 500 - Number of pages: 2

.... being paid 3.5 million. While being paid this salary, Jordan hardly ever complained too much even though the amount Jordan was being paid was very low for the NBA. During this season Jordan never made any kind of statement about quitting or even leaving for another team to make the money he may deserve. Other players such as Shaq (Shaquille O'neil), and Reggie Miller, and even teammate Dennis Rodman have been known to say things like this. The only difference between Jordan and the other athletes is that Jordan seems to have a great devotion towards his team .....

Piece Of The Pie
Number of words: 1862 - Number of pages: 7

.... athletes could be employed by affiliates of the university, who could attract the best athletes by unjustifiably paying them extraordinary salaries. While this may be a valid concern, the regulations are most often carried out to ridiculous lengths which ultimately do not serve the purpose they are intended to have. For example, Northwestern University has an aspiring young actor named Darnell Autry who also happens to be the starting running back for the University's football team. Darnell was offered a role, based entirely on his acting abilities, in a major .....

Writing.......It's Not Just For Fun Anymore!
Number of words: 264 - Number of pages: 1

.... important roll. there are always reports to be writen speeches to e givin, and books to be wrote. Juniors and Seniors need to know the right skills top write these such things. Statistics show that most Juniors' and Seniors' do not show the right skills to perform a good job of writing. A recent poll in Time magazine show that seven out of ten Juniors' and Seniors' show no skills in writing whatsoever. With these new classes, we could show these classes how to do a good job of writing to compete in the work world. These Juniors' and Seniors' will have better chances at colleges, better advantages in .....

The Major Jewish Holidays
Number of words: 2496 - Number of pages: 10

.... certain things that the Jews are forbidden to do on Shabbat. Any work that is creative is restricted in Jewish law. Plowing, baking, weaving, trapping, building, tying, kindling a fire, and hitting with a hammer are all tasks not to be done on Shabbat. Rabbis have also prohibited travel, buying and selling, electricity, and the use of the automobile on Shabbat. Preparing for the Shabbat begins about 2pm on Friday afternoon. People leave work early to go home and prepare for Shabbat. Shabbat officially begins at sunset. Candles are lit and a blessing is rec .....

Abusing AA
Number of words: 2479 - Number of pages: 10

.... the success rate and usually attended without a physician’s input. The support shown for programs like AA is attributed to the abundant success rate they found when a doctor takes some minimal preparation for the patient. These preparations include such tasks as locating the closest meeting and the type of meeting the patient would prefer. The person who is suffering normally takes on these tasks; if discouraged at this point faith in the program may be ceased. They state in the article, ”AA is more important over the long term than professional treatment.” (Jo .....

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