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Doing Business Ion Germany
Number of words: 2029 - Number of pages: 8

.... of your meeting is to negotiate a purchase, a joint venture or strategic alliance, check with your counterparts about the possible need for an interpreter. Making the Initial Contact Banks play a powerful role in the German business world. Since it is always useful to have a referral you may want to ask your international bank to arrange an introduction. However, in contrast with more relationship-focused business cultures such as Japan, Korea, Brazil or Saudi Arabia, making direct contact is also a viable option in Germany. Send a letter in good busin .....

Marijuana 3
Number of words: 1442 - Number of pages: 6

.... strongly absorbed by fatty tissues in various organs. Generally, traces (metabolites) of THC can be detected by standard urine testing methods several days after a smoking session. However, in heavy chronic users, traces can sometimes be detected for weeks after they have stopped using marijuana. There are many reasons why some children and young teens start smoking marijuana. Most young people smoke marijuana because their friends or brothers and sisters use marijuana and pressure them to try it. Some young people use it because they see older people in the fami .....

Being A Hero
Number of words: 1500 - Number of pages: 6

.... him misfortune in some cases, giving him assistance in others. On the whole, the gods constantly provide perfect opportunities for Aeneas to display his heroism. Without them, Aeneas would not be the hero he is. This gift does not come without a price, though; he must endure the things heroes endure to become what they are. Despite his accomplishments and the glory associated with his life, Aeneas only achieves the status of hero through divine intervention, and this god-given position causes him just as much grief as it does splendor. Aeneas is the son of Ve .....

Historical Psychoanalysis And Dream Interpretation: The Freudian Methodology
Number of words: 4283 - Number of pages: 16

.... of predicting the future, or as Sigmund Freud portrayed them as the "royal road to the unconscious". Sigmund Freud was a renowned psychologist who, although did not originate the concept of dream interpretation, was integral in developing some methodologies of utilizing the dream as a means of deciphering the psyche of the dreamer, particularly in uncovering and analyzing the dreamer's psychological problems. In Freud's view, the purpose of dreams was to allow the individual to experience the instinctual urges that society deems unacceptable. Being that F .....

Anthropology Turkana
Number of words: 343 - Number of pages: 2

.... that are staying with more wealthy awis. Occasionaly they will hire labor, although this is a rare thing. Social gatherings rarely happen during a draught. There will certainly be no weddings. No ceremonies or circumsitions will take place. Another social function that relates closely to the Turkana environment is the digging of wells. When there are no open water sources available, wells must be dug. They can range from very shallow wells that everyone can use, to wells that are perhaps 5 people deep. Although digging these wells is very hard work, it gives t .....

Signs Of The Zodiac
Number of words: 710 - Number of pages: 3

.... a Cancer-with a keen sense of humour. Sensitive feelings and crankiness are also characteristic. You'll often find the Cancerian on the water-swimming, water-skiing, etc. Capricorn the Goat (December 22 to January 20) The goat is a climber, striving to get to the top. A quietly ambitious person, the average Capricorn can look and act quite harmless but can be very tough. A good mind and reasoning ability often mark the Capricorn. Gemini the Twins (May 22 to June 21) Eagerness and energy mark the Gemini. Geminians are clever, quick-witted, and charming, but .....

Origin Of Totalitarianism
Number of words: 1985 - Number of pages: 8

.... to have his own E-meter and the only place to buy them was from the Hubbard Association of Scientologists. The little gadget would later prove to be an essential tool in Scientology processing. Scientology processing, or auditing, is a central element of the cult's practices. Auditing usually involves two people: an auditor and a preclear. An auditor is someone trained in applying Scientology techniques and has been through Dianetics processing themselves. The preclear pays to be guided by the auditor through a series of techniques involving the E-meter, which a .....

Baseball's New Rules
Number of words: 342 - Number of pages: 2

.... was at bat and they needed a home run to win. The batter hit the ball not far enough to the wall and when the out fielder was going to catch it a kid reached over the wall and caught the ball. This would be usually ruled no home run but the umpire said it was OK. New York went on to win the next game to advance to the World Series. The fans in New York made the little boy a hero for a day and loved him for what he did but most of the other baseball fans all over the country did not think it was fair to the Orioles. In conclusion I do not like the new rules of .....

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