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Term Papers on Miscellaneous

Liberal Studies
Number of words: 1287 - Number of pages: 5

.... It comes in two distinct forms, each of which must be looked at separately because of their distinctly different applications for the future of medicine and human society. Somatic gene therapy entails the alteration of genes within non-reproductive cells, all cells excluding sperm and eggs, thus theoretically having no influence upon the genetic make-up of future generations. However, germ-line gene therapy is the specific alteration of sperm or egg, thus having not only an effect upon the immediate progeny, but also on all successive generations. Yet, befor .....

Teacher Certification
Number of words: 1152 - Number of pages: 5

.... among the requirements for state certification of teachers. Most states require their teacher institutions to establish a teacher education program that includes coursework and fieldwork. The coursework includes those courses that prepare a student to become a professional teacher and those classes that include major and minor fields of specialization. Fieldwork, which is probably the most important of the two forms of requirements, involves the individual interested in being a teacher going out and observing, practicing, and preparing to enter the e .....

Women, Men And Competition
Number of words: 938 - Number of pages: 4

.... more you can get in exchange, and the better you will be able to live. To live well, you make your "stuff" as good as possible relative to what your "competition" offers. That is the essence of competition in a free market. It respects the rights of others, and everybody wins because it works through validation rather than domination. Competition as validation is the process by which the efficacy of ideas, knowledge, and products is validated by consumers. They choose what they value most. To the extent our economy encourages winning through validatio .....

Uniforms In School
Number of words: 398 - Number of pages: 2

.... in school that I know is a problem in my first period class. The enforcement of uniforms will relieve the tension between the new students and the students that are already there. The uniforms will expedite the process of making new friends for the new student since the uniforms will help the new student feel a sense of "belonging". This helps the majority of the school becoming friends with each other. This obviously helps the class and also the school as a whole, as there will be less fights and controversy between students. Uniforms .....

American Dream
Number of words: 502 - Number of pages: 2

.... a “well to-do” living. Henry B. Plant is featured in the article “Florida’s hidden treasures: Museums, cultural parks” written by Copley News Service in the Washington Post for talking about his dreams. Plant had the goal of turning the Florida wilderness in to a “shining utopia.” His dreams came true, Plant created a historic museum in the Pinellas Suncoast. He’s able to provide historical information to the public while making money for himself. Plant wanted to turn people towards the historical side of Florida along with the sunshine, sand and sea, wh .....

Trade Unionism
Number of words: 1268 - Number of pages: 5

.... to come up are pay, safety, unfair treatment of a group or individual, or simply the way the work is organized. The union members will usually elect someone to speak on their behalf - a shop steward or office representative. The rep will then discuss their concerns with management. Where the union has a recognition agreement with management they reach decisions together on key issues. In bigger workplaces there will be a number of representatives, sometimes from different unions, speaking on behalf of different groups of workers. And in very big workplaces s .....

Social Heirarchy
Number of words: 1728 - Number of pages: 7

.... between the two cliques is present and so she takes it upon herself to see that the "in" crowd pays for the way that they treat anyone that is not of their status. Sam struggles to gain equality with those of the more popular crowd within the school. By showing both types of crowds, it expands the viewing audience because everyone can relate to either on of the two crowds. Walking down the hallway of Kennedy High School, one can easily spot out who the members of each of the two crowds are just by their appearance. Anyone who is blonde, beautiful, and lo .....

The World Of Hair
Number of words: 498 - Number of pages: 2

.... root to tip of the duration of your shower and when you rinse than your hair rinses this method saves time and work. Now that your hair is all-clean and you need and quick method of drying it; and before we get the drying part lets stop and think bout how we want to where our hair, now seeing as we have a short bobbed length with about 8 inches of hair to work with we need to apply a styling aid and that would be in the form of a lotion or cream. I prefer the lotion myself, so apply the setting lotion to the hair this will act as a fixative that will lock the .....

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