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Humans Hold The Idea Of Heroes With Great Significance
Number of words: 1015 - Number of pages: 4

.... newborn baby a demoness (rakshasi), who took the form of a woman and carried poison in her breasts, came to assassinate him. She sat to nurse him and when he drew the milk from her he also drew out her life. A third mythological hero that supports the characteristic of strength is in the story of Theseus of Greek origin. This story also suggests bravery as a primary role in a hero. At only seven years old, Theseus grabbed an axe to slay a lion, which actually was a skin that Hercules had laid on a stool. At the age of sixteen he was able to lift the rock and .....

Hercules: 12 Labors Of Hercules
Number of words: 1104 - Number of pages: 5

.... 12 impossible tasks, the "Labors of Hercules." The Twelve Labors The first task was to kill the lion of Nemea, a lion that could not be hurt by any weapon. Hercules knocked out the lion with his club first, then he strangled it to death. He wore the skin of the lion as a cloak and the head of the lion as a helmet, a trophy of his adventure. The second task was to kill the Hydra that lived in a swamp in Lerna. The Hydra had nine heads. One head was immortal and when one of the others was chopped off, two grew back in its place. Cancer, one of the Hydra's guar .....

SAT Scores Vs. Acceptance Rates
Number of words: 767 - Number of pages: 3

.... on the following page (page 2) The linear regression equation is: ACCEPTANCE = 212.5 + -.134 * SAT_SCORE R= -.632 R^2=.399 I plugged in the data into my calculator, and did the various regressions. I saw that the power regression had the best correlation of the non-linear transformations. A scatterplot of the transformation can be seen on page 4. The Power Regression Equation is ACCEPTANCE RATE=(2.475x10^23)(SAT SCORE)^-7.002 R= -.683 R^2=.466 The power regression seems to be .....

Number of words: 1374 - Number of pages: 5

.... a computer game and you suddenly recognize the voice of the company president coming down the hall. Even though you are strongly focused on the game, the recognition of that voice destroys your concentration as it is brought to conscious attention. This same pattern of recognition process is happening in another way. "Your experiences as an unfolding sequence in time are continually being compared to previous sequences to see if there is some important relationship. If one of these is important enough it is brought to conscious attention as an idea or feeli .....

Karate And Tae Kwon Do
Number of words: 513 - Number of pages: 2

.... of the Silla were to develop the complete mind, body, and spirit. Their daily routine consisted of self-defense, religious and educational training, and physical conditioning. These "knights" laid the roots for the expansion of tae kwon do. On the other hand, karate originated 2,000 years ago in Okinawa. It was a sport taught to the entire population as self-defense against invading armies such as the Samari of Japan. Over time, karate became a way of life for almost all of China. The fighting styles of tae kwon do and karate differ greatly. As karate expanded th .....

The Consumer Price Index
Number of words: 453 - Number of pages: 2

.... market in the world with the capacity to handle share volume in excess of one billion shares a day. Known for its innovative leading-edge growth companies, NASDAQ has two tiers. The NASDAQ National Market, with NASDAQ's larger companies whose securities are the most actively traded, and the NASDAQ Small Cap Market, with emerging growth companies. The current market value of the NASDAQ National Market is around 2,553.2 billion dollars. The market and its value reflect the tendencies of the American people regarding their finances. If the market is up a .....

Going To College As A Freshmen
Number of words: 656 - Number of pages: 3

.... they should choose a school that will help them achieve their career goals. Another aspect to consider when choosing a college is one's financial situation. When choosing a college, many students seek out financial help such as grants, loans, or scholarships. The amount of grants, loans, or scholarships received from different schools can greatly influence one's decision on where to attend. Once one has chosen a college, there are still other decisions to make. On registration day, one must choose the right schedule needed to complete her degree plan. .....

Number of words: 992 - Number of pages: 4

.... philosophized by joining in a discussion with another person who thought he knew what justice or courage was. Under this questioning it became clear that neither of them knew. They would then cooperate on a new idea where would make interrogatory suggestions that were either accepted or rejected by his friend. Finding a solution always failed, but they would continue to search for one whenever possible. For knowledge was not accepting a second hand opinion, but personal achievement gained through continuous self-criticism. Philosophy involved not le .....

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