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Term Papers on Religion

Number of words: 618 - Number of pages: 3

.... ones, ALL. This is a sign of the Victory that Christ had won a victory here. The reason is because of all of the lifes that he saved and will later be saved. In Romans 5 it says that Jesus died for All Sinners! We are all sinners so his death was for all. When Jesus says that "It is finished", he can also be reffering to the older predictions of Christs' life. There is one in particular that it might have been talking about in Isaiah. That is the one in which Isaiah talks of the life of Jesus and the crusifiction, in very short and brief detail. .....

Number of words: 647 - Number of pages: 3

.... and either rewarded with heaven or punished with hell. The life of each Muslim is always within the community of the faithful, all are declared to be "brothers to each other," with he mission to "enjoin good and forbid evil." Within the community, Muslims are expected to establish social and economic justice. They are also expected to carry their message out to the rest of the world. In the early ic community, this meant the use of force in the form of jihad, or holy war. The object of jihad was to gain political control over societies and run them in accorda .....

Sexual Urges, Society, And Religion
Number of words: 2404 - Number of pages: 9

.... through the settling of Puritan and Pilgrim societies. The strict line on sex as a sin was followed to the letter. The Puritans and the Pilgrims fled England to create an utopian society of Christian purity in North America. Literal interpretation of the Bible limited many sexual behaviours. Since the middle-ages, the church had outlawed masturbation, anal, oral and external-martial sex. Sex was for procreation only. Many passages in the Bible were used to support this belief and moral system. Then Judah told Onan to sleep with his brother's wife, to do his du .....

Tuat, The Gods, Ceremonies, And Preparations For Coming To The West
Number of words: 1976 - Number of pages: 8

.... trials of Tuat, are a few of these tasks that have to be completed before entering Tuat. The land of Tuat has mant gods, ceremonies and myths surrounding it. Tuat was originally a place through which the sun god Ra passed each evening after his setting, or death, on his journey to that portion of the sky where he would appear the next morning. Thus, came the phrase of "coming into the west". The sun sets nito the west as does Ra. Tuat was the realm of the great god Osiris, who reigned over all the gods of the dead as well as the dead themselves. Tuat was se .....

Prevent Coercive Prayer In Public Schools
Number of words: 1404 - Number of pages: 6

.... routine recital of prayers during the school day as a voluntary action? This invasive practice would create unnecessary divisions among children by making them unduly aware of their religious differences. Public schools are for everyone, whether they are Buddhist, Catholic, Muslim, or Taoist. The practice of organized prayer in schools invades the student's right to an education free of the discrimination which organized prayer would encourage. Many people mistake the religious indifference of public schools for hostility. Public schools must to be very ca .....

Christians: Criminals Or Not?
Number of words: 726 - Number of pages: 3

.... hateful" (Tacitus); therefore it was outlawed and persecuted, because it was considered the most dangerous enemy of the power of Rome, which was based upon the ancient national religion and on the emperor's worship . I interrogated them and even tortured them to get them to admit to the crimes , only to find that they are an harmless group . I discovered nothing more than an innocuous superstition . Christians faced persecution with courage, a very large percentage with heroism, but they did not submit to it without opposition. They defended themselves with gre .....

Time's Oldest Debate
Number of words: 1288 - Number of pages: 5

.... billions of years, it is certainly possible. It is true that The Bible holds certain truths which would imply a reliable source of information; however, some parts of The Bible are not true at all. According to science, life evolved in the following order: bacterium to fish, fish to various land animals, and animals to man. Coincidentally or divinely, The Bible states that God said, "Let the waters teem with fish and other life...let the earth bring forth every kind of animal...Let us make man" (Genesis 1:20-26). The Bible accurately depicts the order in .....

Number of words: 1450 - Number of pages: 6

.... PENTECOSTAL CHURCH also accept only Baptism and Holy Communion, but refer to them as ordinances, not sacraments. BAPTISTS also believe in these two ordinances, and they very strongly resist the use of the term "sacrament." Though all the Christian denominations practice Baptism, they disagree on when they should do so. ROMAN CATHOLIC, EPISCOPALIAN, LUTHERAN, PRESBYTERIAN, REFORMED, and METHODIST churches baptize both infants and adult converts. Baptism is prior to Confirmation, which typically occurs between the ages of 12 and 16. In the REFORMED CHURCH, Co .....

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