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Term Papers on Science

The Creation Of The Universe
Number of words: 193 - Number of pages: 1

.... legend that says that Osiris Khepera created himself out of a dark, boundless ocean called "Nu". Then out of this ocean, he created the universe. I will be writing about these theories: The Big Bang theory is what most people believe, also there is a theory called "Steady State", which is the opposite of the Big Bang theory. There is the theory of an "Oscillating Universe", which is sort of a compromise between the Big Bang theory, and the Steady State theory. There is also the religious theory, in which God created everything. There are a lot of different theories regarding the creation of the uni .....

Comparing Ballistics Of A .30-06 And .270
Number of words: 559 - Number of pages: 3

.... yards. Although, at 400 yards the drop is almost 50 inches; most hunters prefer this one compared to other rifles because of its versatility and accuracy. The expansion is also good, depending on the type of shell tired-used. The kick and distance of the gun are considered to be wonderful because the kick is normal and the distance is better than normal. The .270 rifle is a reasonably good rifle. This rifle is mainly used in open field shooting as opposed to in brush shooting. The depth and the expansion work together and turn out to be great, especially if .....

The Prairie Dog: Friend Or Foe?
Number of words: 1768 - Number of pages: 7

.... on the land that is available. Current policies on National Grasslands and other federal lands typically limit prairie dogs to small percentages of available potential habitat. Prairie dogs are essential to our prairie ecosystem. Many species dependent on prairie dogs for prey and habitat are diminishing in direct relation to the decreasing number of prairie dogs. Unlike other species, which have declined because of habitat loss due to human activities, the loss of prairie dog populations is a direct result of governmental and private landowner efforts .....

Number of words: 770 - Number of pages: 3

.... this life-saving technology to their own personal, perhaps evil, advantages. Dealing with politics, Bioengineering has opened a whole new door pertaining to the military, whose use of it may create an ultimate destruction. The alterance of nature is un-natural, and creates an unbalancement in life. When we use this technology towards the wrong side, we may all be burned. You see, Biotechnology has the ability to altar what diseases we humans are susceptible to, and when scientists create something to eliminate immunities to diseases, it may result in .....

What Is Physics And What Are Its Uses?
Number of words: 504 - Number of pages: 2

.... legs as well. The medical field has seen enormous breakthroughs because of principles of physics. Doctors are now able to use lasers for surgery. Lasers are based on the physical principle of light, and are devices for the creation and amplification of a narrow, intense beam of coherent light. New laser microsurgery can actually alter the shape of the cornea in the eye so the patient's eyesight can return to normal, and he/she will no longer need those bothersome glasses. Ultrasound is used in the medical field for destroying various unwanted substances in .....

Cancer 2
Number of words: 1077 - Number of pages: 4

.... time. The original genetic information, stored in a coded form DNA, is carried out of the nucleus by RNA and then translated into proteins by ribosomes. 70% of oncogenes are located in the weak points of the chromosomes-hereditary regions where the DNA molecule may break or its portions may be rearranged into new combinations. Actually most of the times, the nucleus and the DNA are constantly exposed to substances that may alter the genes. But these alterations are almost always prepared by intricate mechanism with the function of preventing havoc in the cel .....

White Tigers
Number of words: 1585 - Number of pages: 6

.... 800 in the past ten years, and as few as 1 in every 10,000 tigers is white (www.cranes.org/whitetigers.com). are neither albinos nor a special species; they differ from the normally colored tigers by having blue eyes, a pink nose, and creamy white fur with black stripes. Tiger’s stripes are just like a human fingerprint, meaning that no two tigers have the same pattern of stripes. are not usually born from other . They get their color from double recessive allele. A Bengal tiger with two normal alleles or one normal or white allele is colored orange. On .....

Coconino Sandstone
Number of words: 1125 - Number of pages: 5

.... that once extended north into Montana. During the last ten years, a number of studies on modern and ancient sand seas, or ergs, have increased greatly our understanding of eolian bedform dynamics. Additionally, we can describe trace fossils in the Coconino and relate them to the physical environments of deposition. This provides us with more comprehensive reconstruction of the erg environments. Although the cliff-forming nature of the formation can present certain logical problems, the exceptional three-dimensional exposures in the Grand Canyon give the sedime .....

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