Term Papers on Science
Acid Rain, Effects And Causes
Number of words: 1954 - Number of pages: 8.... levels of acidity were discovered in lakes in both Canada and Scandinavia. At first, this was looked at as an interesting situation, rather than a growing problem. Since that time, much research has gone into identifying the sources of acid rain and the damage that it causes. As research continued, the situation reached catastrophe proportions in the late 1970's. By this time, thousands of lakes in Canada and Scandinavia had been declared dead, devoid of life, while emissions of acid gasses continued to rise.
Acid Rain Chemistry
As mentioned earlier, the term a .....
Number of words: 504 - Number of pages: 2.... A farad retains one coulomb of charge with one-volt difference of potential. that use vacuum, air, or other gases are used in applications where values of capacitance required do not have to be large, but the energy loss in the dielectric must be very small. Some applications for these are in radio- frequency circuits and low- frequency measuring circuits where great precision is required. Another type of capacitor uses castor or mineral oil for the dielectric. Oil insulated are used in applications where larger values of the capacitance are required .....
Crystals: Does Surface Tension Affect The Process Of Crystallization?
Number of words: 1915 - Number of pages: 7.... and if some of these conditions are
not present or are not perfect, then the formation of the crystal will be
disturbed. One may ask him/herself, how is the formation disturbed if only
one of the condition would happen to be modified? Most crystals are formed
under water or under liquids with similar characters to water; and tend to
form under liquids or solutions containing a maximum amount of solute. If
the liquid absorbs additional solute, then the solution is supersaturated.
If a tiny crystal, called a seed crystal, is added to the substance, a
chain re .....
The Roswell Incident
Number of words: 2552 - Number of pages: 10.... never any doubt that something
crash landed. On July 8, 1947 the headline of the Roswell Daily Record
read "RAAF Captures Flying Saucer on Ranch in Roswell Region." The next
day, the headlines read "Weather balloon was mistaken as UFO." Many people
wonder how someone with military experience could mistake a weather balloon
for a UFO, which is why they are inclined to believe the first military
report. From this point on, many people were suspicious of the United
States Government because the facts were being withheld from the public at
the Roswell Air Base. .....
Do UFOs Exist?
Number of words: 652 - Number of pages: 3.... weeping and shouting with agony and terror, they
recover buried memories of alien encounters. There has never been physical
proof of any abduction yet to be provided.
The Roswell incident is now generally regarded as one of the most
important UFO events in history, an extensive review of the UFO literature of
the 1950s finds no mention of it beyond the first press accounts in early July
1947. The only know reference to it as a UFO crash was in a 1955 lecture by
broadcaster and UFO enthusiast Frank Edward. Even in the 1960s the UFO
literature mentioned it onl .....
Astronomy And Space Science: Your Bones In Space
Number of words: 1408 - Number of pages: 6.... of calcium
phosphate [85%]; Calcium carbonate [10%] ; others [5%] which give it the
hardness and rigidity. Other than providing the rigid infrastructure, it
protects vital organs like the brain], serves as a complex lever system,
acts as a storage area for calcium which is vital for human metabolism,
houses the bone marrow within its mid cavity and to top it all it is
capable of changing its architecture and mass in response to outside and
inner stress. It is this dynamic remodeling of bone which is of primary
interest in microgravity. To feel the impa .....
Number of words: 990 - Number of pages: 4.... for when testing and just all-together prevention.
The basic chemistry behind a slab avalanche is when one layer of snow does not bond to the layer below it. Any kind of temperature change, fresh snowfall, the weight of a person, all can cause the slab to break free from the lower layer. The formation of a slab is possible in many ways. One way is for the snow to develop a crust and then there be more snowfall. Since snow doesn’t bond to the crust it becomes a potential for an avalanche zone. Another way is for surface hoar to develop, or large ice crystal on .....
What Is A Plant?
Number of words: 611 - Number of pages: 3.... into three kinds of organs: roots, stems,
and leaves. Roots anchor the plant into the ground and they also gather
minerals and water from the ground. Roots usually grow under ground and
downward. Roots have tiny “hairs” which increase the surface of the roots,
which results in more gathering of minerals and water. Stems are usually
above ground, grow upward, and usually have leaves. Plants that do not
have leaves generally use the stem as the photosynthetic surface, like
cacti. Leaves are still the most common photosynthetic surface on plants,
though. L .....