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Term Papers on Science

Solar Oven
Number of words: 131 - Number of pages: 1

.... it to escape. The charcoal cubes and shavings will absorb the heat in the box and store the excess heat allowing the flow to continuously warm the oven. The tin foil will reflect heat and subsequently heat up the oven. The polyurethane material will trap the heat inside the oven. The mirrors will help the heat stay inside the box. Materials used: Shoe Box Tin Foil Sheets of Glass Charcoal Cubes and Shavings Scissors Glue Knives Polyurethane Non-Glossy, Black Spay Paint Four (4) Wood Pegs Mirrors Sealer .....

The Environment Is Going To Hell
Number of words: 285 - Number of pages: 2

.... 300 per day, 10 per hour, another dead species every 6 minutes. We're trashing the planet, washing away the topsoil, paving over our farmlands, systematically deforesting our wildernesses, decimating the biota, and ultimately killing ourselves. The world is getting progressively poorer, and it's all because of populating, or more precisely, over-population. There's a finite store of resources on our pale blue dot, spaceship Earth, our small and fragile tiny planet, and we're fast apporaching it's ultimate carrying capacity. The limits to growth are finally upon us, and we're living on borrowed time. Th .....

The China Syndrome
Number of words: 500 - Number of pages: 2

.... up to 100%. He tried to explain that there could be another accident if they raised the power all the way because of a problem with the pumps. The people didn't believe Jack and were starting to raise the power up again. When Jack saw what they were doing he grabbed the security officer's gun and forced everyone out of the control room. After he locked the door he lowered the power down to 75% so the pumps wouldn't break. Jack agreed to have a one on one interview with Kimberly so the public would be warned. While the camera crew was on their way to do the live .....

Human Health
Number of words: 1011 - Number of pages: 4

.... and herbs that cause harm. Almost all of the herbs that are helpful and none of the herbs that cause harm are in our products. The products come in tablet or capsule form. These tablets are cold pressed herbs and roots that have not been subjected to the nutrition destroying effects of cooking. This preserves the product in the most natural state possible. These herbs and roots are mostly grown in China and the Amazon rain forest, thousands of miles from any pesticides, herbicides and chemical pollutants. "The products are grown and process .....

Darwin's Theory And Modern Genetics
Number of words: 324 - Number of pages: 2

.... there was a “gene” associated with certain characteristics. Mendel’s pea plants proved there was a way of artificially creating trends in color of flowers. This discovery led to modern genetics. We now know chromosomes carry valuable information that determines characteristics in living species. When you put these two discoveries together you really understand how animals have evolved to their currant state. When animals are born the have traits that help them live or inhibit their ability to live. If the die they cannot mate with other animals therefore th .....

Number of words: 1691 - Number of pages: 7

.... is the experiments conducted by Nazi doctors on prisoners in the concentration camps during the Holocaust. Does this mean that since there is potential for abuse, all experimentation should be banned? This would mean that society would be condemned to remain at the same level of knowledge (status quo)? Bioethically speaking, how far can we go in the study of the human without crossing the line? The fundamental question is, since we are the ones drawing the line, where do we draw it? The purpose of this essay is to provide a clear sense of the present law on .....

Number of words: 3428 - Number of pages: 13

.... are unable to see and hear anything because you are only concerned about the opposing team. If you do tune into a certain person this may be considered selective attention. Selective attention is the focusing on conscious awareness on a particular stimulus. (Reference) This means that at any moment we focus our awareness only on a limited aspect of all that we are capable experiencing. When I use selective attention my attention is on the coach and other players on the field. The coach or my teammates may be telling me something important about what I shou .....

Number of words: 397 - Number of pages: 2

.... composite will be used to fasten together the sections proposed space stations. have also been used in cars, including the Chevrolet Camaro and the Pontiac Fiero. New are being created with more strength and flexibility by combing two chemically different and producing a block copolymer. Combinations of block co and composites and intended for use in booster rockets and in materials of Earth-orbiting installations. Most common are usually solid, but a new class of is being introduced in a liquid crystal state. Although these still have the physical charact .....

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