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Term Papers on Science

Alternate Energy Sources
Number of words: 535 - Number of pages: 2

.... we have for it. Hopefully, within time, we will learn about this new energy source so we can use it to power the future. Fusion Power Fusion Power is probably the biggest known Alternate Energy Resource. Fusion is the joining of the nuclei of two atoms to form the nucleus of a heavier element. It occurs mostly with hydrogen and other light elements. Fusion reactions, also called thermonuclear reactions, release a great deal of energy. Scientists are still conducting experiments on ways of harnessing Fusion so we can use it as an energy source. Micro .....

Nuclear Energy 2
Number of words: 2921 - Number of pages: 11

.... The exploding steam fires the floor up like shrapnel. The metal plate goes through the four foot thick concrete roof like butter and reaches and altitude of sixty meters. You can hear ripping, rending, wrenching, screeching, scraping, tearing sounds of a vast machine breaking apart. L. Ray Silver, a leading author who covered the disaster at Chernobyl, said that within the core, steam reacts with zirconium to produce that first explosive in nature’s arsenal, hydrogen. Near-molten fuel fragments shatter nearly incandescent graphite, torching chunks of .....

Perception: Seeing Is Believing - UFOs
Number of words: 685 - Number of pages: 3

.... that the human race is the only form of life. It seems certain scientists have come up with other hypotheses concerning UFO's. While all astronomers yearn for a concrete explanation on UFO's, their beliefs on their origin contrast. Many looking for a more scientific definition disregard UFO's as nothing more than a mere misinterpretation of a plane, weather balloon, or meteor. Some have gone so far as to say that specific witnesses to UFO's have seen nothing more than a hallucination and "wanted" to see a UFO so their minds adapted that idea into an i .....

Number of words: 1333 - Number of pages: 5

.... are associated with critical wind shears. However, there are two types of down drafts that are particularly hazardous to flight operations because of there severity and small size. Professor T. Fulita, an atmospheric scientist from the University of Chicago, coined the term downburst for a concentrated, sever downdraft that induces an outward burst of damaging winds at the ground. He also introduced the term microburst for a downburst with horizontal dimensions of 4km or less (Lester 11-4). Microbursts form by the same process that produce the more common .....

Number of words: 1910 - Number of pages: 7

.... the frog egg did not develop. (Specter/Kolata) That same year, researchers in Pennsylvania cloned a live frog. The technique used was known as embryo twinning, or causing the embryo to split apart. It is much easier to clone with embryonic cells. Much later, mammals such as sheep were cloned using this process. (Nash 64) In 1970, John Gurdon repeated the procedure suggested by Hans Spemann. This time, the experiment yielded partial success. The tadpoles were born alive, but they died when they began to feed. He showed that transplanted nuclei reverted to .....

The Landsats Satellites
Number of words: 1099 - Number of pages: 4

.... SPOT satellites carry two High-Resolution Visible (HRV) sensors capturing visible and near-infrared radiance data with multispectral and panchromatic scanning capabilities. The multispectral mode captures data in three bands in the following spectral ranges: .50-.59, .61-.68 and .79-.89 micrometers. The three bands are co-registered and have a ground resolution of 20m. The panchromatic mode images data in the spectral range .51-.73 micrometers at a sampling interval of 10m. LITERATURE REVIEW Landsats 1 through 3 circled the Earth every 103 minutes, comple .....

Greenhousing The Wrong Way
Number of words: 495 - Number of pages: 2

.... "Greenhouse" Stuff Have To Do With Me? As the temperatures rise, the waters get warmer and begin the melting process of the polar ice caps (Popular Science). Long term predictions of Global warming say that the melting of the polar ice caps will continue causing ocean waters to rise, resulting in massive coastal flooding of major cities such as Los Angeles and Miami. If the next century's warming stays at a low end of estimates, the consequences are likely to be mild. But if warming reaches the middle or top estimates, we are likely to see such things as m .....

Endangered Species Of South
Number of words: 1449 - Number of pages: 6

.... population growth and resource consumption (17). Today, most of the world's habitats are changing faster than most species can adapt to such changes through evolution, or natural selection. The current global extinction rate is estimated at about 20,000 species per year, exponentially greater than the background extinction rate (17). Many biologists believe that we are in the middle of the greatest mass extinction episode since the disappearance of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago (18). The survival of ecosystems (plant and animal communities and their physi .....

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