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Term Papers on Science

Number of words: 1755 - Number of pages: 7

.... transformarse para que las dioxinas no surgieran un efecto mortífero en ellos y por tanto dejaron de ser efectivas. Esto llevó a que por algún tiempo (y en la actualidad en pocos lugares en donde todavía se usa este tipo de pesticida), las dioxinas llegaron hasta nosotros no solo por el aire sino que directamente por los alimentos. Son lipofílicos, es decir solubles en las grasas y sus moléculas están unidas por enlaces fuertes que les dan una vida media entre los 7 y los 30 años, por esto se les llama moléculas persistentes. Existen una variedades de dioxinas, .....

The Downy Woodpecker
Number of words: 3725 - Number of pages: 14

.... Names The downy woodpecker's scientific name is Picoides pubescens. There are also six particular downies with six particular scientific names all from different regions of the United States and southern Canada which I have listed below: southern downy / Dryobates pubescens Gairdner's woodpecker / Gairdneri pubescens Batchelder's woodpecker / Leucurus pubescens northern downy / Medianus pubescens Nelson's downy / Nelsoni pubescens willow woodpecker / Turati pubescens The downy woodpecker is sometimes reffered to as "little .....

Black Holes
Number of words: 806 - Number of pages: 3

.... believe that while the gas is being swallowed by the black hole, the process will produce some amazing fireworks. The second puzzling question that astronomers are trying to answer is why isn't the black hole at the center of the galaxy? According to images from the Hubble Space Telescope, the black hole is 20 light-years from the center of the galaxy, but since the black hole is so massive it is hard to explain how it could have been moved. One idea is that the black hole is moving itself. Some astronomers think that the disk of dust serves as a "fuel .....

The Solar System
Number of words: 428 - Number of pages: 2

.... rotates in its axis once a day. The earth is a sphere shaped object. Its diameter is 12,750 km (7,923miles). It takes 23 hours and 56 minutes to rotate once, which is approximately one day. The sun orbits the sun ever 365.25 days. The average surface temperature is 15 degrees. The distance from the sun is 150million km (93 million miles). The sun is 150million km (93 million miles) away from earth. It is 1.4million km (864,000 miles) in diameter. Its surface temperature is 5,800 degrees Celsius (10,472 degrees Fahrenheit). As the earth rotates on its axi .....

Artifical Intelligence
Number of words: 3402 - Number of pages: 13

.... good as the information E. Expert Systems 1. Database of information 2. Limited to structured rules 3. Use symbolic representations F. Case-bases reasoning (CBR) 1. Allows a system to store and analyze data 2. Analyzes each case uniquely III. How AI can be used A. Neural Networks 1. Military aircraft 2. S&P index 3. Recognizing new patterns of credit-card fraud B. Fuzzy logic 1. Washing machines 2. Vacuum cleaners 3. AC's C. Chaos theory 1. Wall street 2. Ability to predict and diagnose heart di .....

Types Of Land Features
Number of words: 2108 - Number of pages: 8

.... up to 3-5 feet in diameter and 80-100 feet tall. Animal life is abundant. There are fewer large animals but an absorbent amount of smaller animals. Animals such as raccoons, skunks, foxes, voles, and mice are very common in the deciduous forests. Amphibians are just as common such as frogs, toads, and salamanders. Threats to this biome are happening more frequently. Acid rain and air pollution is threatening plants and animals. Deer population has become a bigger threat over the last decade. Because the deer have not enough predators to the .....

New Technology
Number of words: 488 - Number of pages: 2

.... you do want. The brains behind Portico are contained in a sophisticated Network Operations Center. This state-of-the-art system represents the future of communications. The Network Operations Center embodies the General Magic business model: minimum maintenance with maximum functionality. The Network Operations Center was built from the ground up to be a technology showcase. Today, it's one of the world's largest voice recognition-based networks(). The sophisticated voice recognition technology can identify thousands of phrases spoken in plain English(). The .....

Where Do We Draw The Line?
Number of words: 1239 - Number of pages: 5

.... some advancements. Coincidentally, the article was called, “Brave New Worlds”. It stated that “Developments in the field of genetics offer the possibility of bringing all life processes under control. We must step carefully into this vast new field of science with the understanding that putting a patent on the melanoma gene or the baldness gene for that matter is simply playing God in a potentially dangerous way.” (Appleyard, Bryan, Jan 98, Smithsonian) These are only a few examples of scientific developments that in my mind raise the question: in science? Mr .....

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