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Term Papers on Social Issues

The Problem Of Domestic Violence
Number of words: 1920 - Number of pages: 7

.... (Domestic V.) we feel that, that is the case. Webster's dictionary defines epidemic as "a rapid spreading of a disease; to many people at the same time", this is not the case with domestic violence, one it didn't just happen overnight, it has just been popularized overnight, domestic violence has been going on from as far back as anyone can remember and probably farther than that, and two, this is not affecting many people at the same timem, because, as I've stated before, "in most families men and women do not engage in physically abusive behavior". If .....

A Fight!
Number of words: 312 - Number of pages: 2

.... in defence. It started of as a small game, but by the end of the class, it was getting serious. This continued for about 3 weeks, then one day they were in the same class as each other, again throwing comments at each other when one said to the other; "lets take this out side". Everyone around them urged them to fight so after the class that's exactly what they did. Arms were flying everywhere, the other students were shouting anger at them to hurt each other more, and more. I remember standing there helplessly wanting to stop them, but knew if I got involved I w .....

Number of words: 988 - Number of pages: 4

.... among your peers was concerned. Do not attack an unarmed knight - allow him to arm himself first, if you unhorse your opponent and your opponent is still able to fight, get off your horse to fight, etc. - fair play with honor and respect. At the end, there still was a winner, and the winner ended up with more respect and admiration from those concerned that had he fought without chivalry. What am I getting at? Capitalism can be much the same way. American businesses have taken advantage of this system though, a system that one can cheat in and get away with, .....

Child Exploitation
Number of words: 574 - Number of pages: 3

.... when they visit these regions. They concentrate on sweatshops while around the world people are literally getting away with murder. Our trust rests, supposedly safely, in these people’s hands in hopes that they will pick up the slack for the rest of society. Then we are shown these films and pictures and we wonder, “Where are these saviors of the children? Where are these protectors of the future?” Where indeed. We cannot leave the problems facing our world in the hands of someone else. We can no longer just feed money to these people assuming that they .....

Number of words: 381 - Number of pages: 2

.... sought to establish a common culture, such as cultural diffusion might accomplish. For instance, writings like these could educate certain groups about eachother. grew in this Country as a result of war and industrial hardships. Regionalism grew because of great improvements in transporation. Jack London, a Naturalist, lost his father at a young age and had to cope. He also witnessed first-hand, the casualties of the California Gold Rush. “Buck did not read newspapers, or else he would have known that trouble was brewing, not only for himself, but eve .....

Notes: Americanization Or Candaisnism?
Number of words: 945 - Number of pages: 4

.... advice and raised their annual wheat pools above $2.00/bushell. -Most magazines came from the states and most Canadians immigrated there. -There were new American films and media in Canada. -Canadian resistors made a law to migrate any person that was interfearing with the Canadian opinions and that tried to shape it. -The group of Seven showed a distinctive American culture. -Groulx fought children of Quebec cinemas to stop the influence of American movies on them. He tried also to censor American imported books and magazines. G .....

Why Everyone Should Have Different Rights
Number of words: 318 - Number of pages: 2

.... The felons are not supposed to have a firearm in their possession some abide by this rule and some do not. There possession should be searched through on a regular basis. Illegal Aliens are a big problem in the United States at the time being. If they do stay they should pay taxes like the average citizen. And should not be able to draw welfare. The laws restricting illegal immigrants should be enforced. And all illegals that do not pay taxes should be sent back to their place of origin. There are many types of people and should be many types .....

Teens And The Price They Pay To Look Good
Number of words: 635 - Number of pages: 3

.... with Ohio State University Arthur G. James cancer hospital and research institute. Tanning beds surround your body with UV light. These beds emit two to three times the amount of UV light that reaches the earth outdoors. UV light has been linked to serious cases of malignant melanoma, and even to the weakening of the immune system. I understand that people like to look nice and want to improve their looks, but there are safer ways than these tanning machines. The average 15-30 minutes spent in a tanning bed equates to an entire day spent at the beach. "If .....

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