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Term Papers on Social Issues

Is History Destined To Repeat Itself? McCarthyism In The New Millennium
Number of words: 649 - Number of pages: 3

.... to the modern situation. The beating, or hate crime, committed against Matthew Shepard is one example of this. The brutal thugs who murdered Matthew Shepard simply because of his sexual orientation deserve swift and certain punishment. Their acts are despicable. Unfortunately, a new form of McCarthyism is welling up in the aftermath of this crime, and it is despicable, too. Ignoring the pleas of grieving father Dennis Shepard not to "use [his son] Matt as part of an agenda," homosexual organizations have rushed to exploit young Shepard's tragic death in Wyom .....

Why Are Individuals Aggressive?
Number of words: 2181 - Number of pages: 8

.... the definition of Gross will be used. Gross defines aggression as :-"The intentional infliction of some form of harm on others" (Gross page 444) Freud proposed that aggression is an instinctive biological urge. According to Freud this instinct, is made up of the libido (pleasure) and "Thanatos" (the death wish) (pain). This basic instinct is present in the Id from birth, at first the aggression is relatively uncontrolled, but with the development of the Ego and superego it becomes channelled into socially acceptable behaviour If these impulses a .....

Do We Need Protection In Our Schools?
Number of words: 461 - Number of pages: 2

.... Drug testing is essential and we need to crack down on these "crack heads." We have to face the fact that teenagers do have sex. We can not stop them from having sex but we can help them from making a big mistake. Condoms would be sold in our schools. Maybe they won’t be sold in public but they will be available in our schools. The selling of condoms in school will provide a way to protect themselves. Another form of protection for our schools is actual police officers and metal detectors in the schools. Kids now a day have so many issues and problems in their .....

Number of words: 554 - Number of pages: 3

.... students at my high school would get elected to a leadership position and not perform the jobs and duties associated with the office. It was more of a popularity contest than a serious commitment. Over the years, I have been elected to several offices and I have realized that if you are elected to a leadership position you should perform the job duties because many people are counting on you. I have tried to the best of my ability to live up to my commitments. I also realize that not all leadership positions are elected or appointed. Many are people decid .....

Diversity Of The America
Number of words: 451 - Number of pages: 2

.... making an effort to find out what points are important to them. The opinions of men and women can be in contrast to one another. Men tend to put their faith in a candidate who is solid and straightforward, while women seek a more compassionate candidate. In the 1996 presidential election, Bill Clinton focused part of his campaign on “soccer moms”. He stressed issues like women’s rights, child support, and sexual abuse and rape. The issues that Clinton raised were important to these mothers and they tended to cast their votes for him. The diversity in social c .....

The War On...Dress Codes
Number of words: 535 - Number of pages: 2

.... of clothing and it would become just another part of going to school. Actually, most of the time, any problems caused due to clothing are usually due to someone stealing someone else’s expensive clothes, such as Tommy Hilfiger, which we are allowed to wear. Numerous students would also like to wear shirts and other clothing related to Satan. Worshipping Satan is just another form of religion, just like worshipping God. Yet students are not allowed to wear clothing involving Satan, Hell, or death. That is an unconstitutional rule though as the freedom of re .....

Effects Of TV On Children
Number of words: 1268 - Number of pages: 5

.... not thinking. Information in spoon-fed to them, so when it comes time to read a book in school, some can have a hard time grasping ideas. They are so used to having images flash before them to provide understanding; they have trouble moving their eyes side to side to gather the information for themselves. With the TV in front of them, supplying amusement, they may never stop to think that putting a puzzle together, or reading a book could also be fun. They could actually become dependent on this one source of fantasy, and never bother to create their own. As .....

Number of words: 749 - Number of pages: 3

.... that teenagers don’t listen. They tell many teenagers to go home, but what ends up happening is they just go somewhere else to hang out. Teenagers these days will just rebel. We teenagers have a point, why should we go home if a police officer tells us to, if our parents let us go out and we are not doing anything wrong. Another thing that gets to me is why the curfew law applies to teenagers sixteen and seventeen years of age. An average teenager gets his or her licenses at age sixteen. Usually by the time you are sixteen you are mature and responsible enou .....

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