Term Papers on Social Issues
Dating: Bars, Clubs, And Personal Advertisements
Number of words: 834 - Number of pages: 4.... were
completed by 152 subjects: 40 from ads; 62 attended singles clubs, and 50
frequented bars. (Yelsma and Weinir, p. 35)
What effect does self esteem have in a person's decision on what type of
method to use to find their possible companion? It is shown that people with
lower self-esteems tend to choose personal advertisements, while people with
higher self esteems tend to lean towards the bar scene. Others with a mediocre
self-esteem seem to go towards the clubs scene. According to Josephs, Larrick,
Steele, and Nisbett, (1992, p. 27) �The higher one's .....
Elements Of The Argument: "What Is Poverty?"
Number of words: 1080 - Number of pages: 4.... reader feel guilty for the possessions that he or she has. For
example, she uses the phrase "You say in your clean clothes coming from your
clean house, ..."(Parker 237). This causes the reader to feel guilty for having
the opportunity to be clean when we all know that she doesn't have the same.
She calls hot water a "luxury"(Parker 237). To those living in poverty hot
water is a luxury. The unimpoverished take it for granted and never before
considered it anything other than a basic possession. When the reader hears
that someone else calls it a luxury that .....
Racism: Issue In Institutional Racism
Number of words: 1653 - Number of pages: 7.... oppressors. This pattern of duality, interwoven into our culture, has
created an dangerously racialized society. From the first moment a colonist
landed on these shores, truths that were �self-evident� were contingent on
subjective �interpretation.� This discretionary application of rights and
freedoms is the foundation upon which our racially stratified system operates on.
English colonists, Africans, and Native Americans comprised the early
clash of three peoples. Essentially economic interests, and namely capitalism,
provided the impetus for the relatio .....
Immigration: Pro
Number of words: 1097 - Number of pages: 4.... fact that it was the first bill that discriminated against
any one particular race. Restrictions on immigration may seem to have been
eradicated from current history but that is an oversight. Even in the
"politically correct" society we live in today allows for these discrepancies,
for in the Immigration Act of 1990 which brought up controls for immigration.
Behind all these legal documents there are reasons that spurred these
causes. Certain prejudices against certain races or religion. The prejudices
were not always a color issue as the current immigration .....
Australia Day
Number of words: 438 - Number of pages: 2.... community on has taken many forms - forced participation in re-enactments and mourning for Invasion Day, as well as peaceful protests through the city streets.
Personally, does not mean a lot to me. As I was not born in Australia and only received my Australian citizenship in 1995, I have never really seen the significance of the public holiday; however one thing I do believe in, is that the date should be changed. The government must find a day on which everyone can feel included, in which everyone can participate equally, and can celebrate with pride our .....
Feminism And Gender Equality In The 1990's
Number of words: 2153 - Number of pages: 8.... the subtle message that society gave was that the educated woman
was actually selfish and evil.
I remember in particular the searing effect on me, who once intended to
be a psychologist, of a story in McCall's in December 1949 called "A
Weekend with Daddy." A little girl who lives a lonely life with her mother,
divorced, an intellectual know-it-all psychologist, goes to the country to
spend a weekend with her father and his new wife, who is wholesome, happy,
and a good cook and gardener. And there is love and laughter and growing
flowers and hot cla .....
Number of words: 419 - Number of pages: 2.... The next aspect of effective leadership is the ability to make decisions
to change, and not always stick to the status quo. What good is a leader who is
afraid of change? Despite economic setbacks, President Reagan reduced
government spending tremendously, and cut back on business regulations to
strengthen the business sector of the economy. By making this change, the
inflation rate fell 13% to 2%, and created thousands of jobs for Americans.
When Reagan entered office, the unemployment rate was 10.8%, when he left it was
5.3%. This economic growth wou .....
Living In A Residence Hall
Number of words: 414 - Number of pages: 2.... everything EIU has to offer. The residence halls are all directly on campus and the campus is compact enough that everything you need is within a short walk. I plan to be involved in many university functions and to spend a lot of time at the student recreation center, and I find the closeness of everything on the campus one of EIU's most outstanding features.
Another attractive feature of the residence halls is the overall atmosphere in them and the friendliness of the people at EIU. I have visited some of the halls and they all seemed like very comfortab .....