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Term Papers on Arts and Movies

The Tempest: Magic
Number of words: 730 - Number of pages: 3

.... about the methods of these so-called witches. It contained one chapter of approximately twenty pages describing what we might view as unsophisticated, old-time magic tricks. One would assume that it was this text, and texts succeeding this (The Art of Juggling, written by Samuel Ridd in 1610 also presented a few how-to's of magic) were probably not only what suggested the idea of using magic as a them to Shakespeare, but in addition, provided methods as to how the magic in the play might be accomplished. Despite the fact that in retrospective analysis .....

Hamlet: Hamlet The Idealist
Number of words: 884 - Number of pages: 4

.... and intensely that no one understands, for Gertrude and Claudius tell him he needs to move on like they have done, yet Hamlet can't understand this. His actions are reflections of his true feelings while the rest of his peers seem to be ignoring their grief. When Hamlet finds out that he is supposed to kill Claudius for his father he becomes distraught. This is because Hamlet's morals won't allow him to kill even if it releases Old Hamlet from his purgatory. He later realizes that he must start appearing differently than usual in order to carry out his fathe .....

Movie: Last Of The Mohicans
Number of words: 1139 - Number of pages: 5

.... until about 1916 that the British and the French saw the light and stopped wearing all that Day-Glo, easy target colors" (Prof. Jahiel). For example, at the beginning of the movie, Magua killed one soldier marching in the line, and the guy next to him didn't even do anything until the commander said to attack. They would also fire at the same time, leaving the whole squad vulnerable to attack while they reloaded. By fighting in this manner, it allowed the Indians to fight much more strategically. They would fire muskets three at a time, so they could .....

Barney Vs. Sesame Street
Number of words: 486 - Number of pages: 2

.... saw had many topics like eating healthy, dental hygiene, the airport and more. The child can have an overload of ideas for one day and get all mixed up. Both Barney and Sesame Street have songs in them. I found that Barney had many more songs than Sesame Street. The songs are used as jolts and they work well in getting the attention of the child. I found that the Barney songs were much catchier than the Sesame Street songs. They were slower, and other than the dancing, there was not much else happening. On Sesame Street, the background was changing, thin .....

The Role Of Prejudice In The Merchant Of Venice
Number of words: 2334 - Number of pages: 9

.... daughter Jessica's elopement with Lorenzo, another friend of Antonio's. Meanwhile, at Belmont, Portia is being courted by Bassanio, and wedding plans continue when, in accordance with her father's will, Bassanio is asked to choose from three caskets -- one gold, one silver and one lead.Bassanio correctly selects the lead casket that contains Portia's picture.The couple's joy is short-lived, however, when Bassanio receives a letter from Antonio, informing him of the loss of his ships and of Shylock's determination to carry out the terms of the loan.Bass .....

Violence On Television: Violence Is Everywhere
Number of words: 539 - Number of pages: 2

.... a ring and beat the brains out of each other. God I love America! Even on basic cable we have these wonderful children's programs like The Mighty Morphine Power Rangers, cartoons (eventhogh I love them), and the V.R. Troopers, to name a couple. Surprise! they are either based on fighting or getting smashed by trucks and we laugh and we love it. It's hard to beat watching someone else beat up on after you just had a bad day. Football and hockey, can't beat them but no one really cares about the principle of the game we all just want to see the big hits .....

Hamlet: Hamlet Defeated By His Own Flaws
Number of words: 474 - Number of pages: 2

.... He says "Almost as bad, good mother, As kill a king, and marry his brother". The major effect of his killing of, Polonius, was indeed his death. This ignited Laertes' revenge on Hamlet which resulted in Hamlet's death. Just as the killing of Polonious was a tragic flaw of Hamlets, so was the killing of Claudius. This flaw of Hamlets which was to be the solo revenge of Claudius brought upon the death of Gertrude, Polonius, and Laertes. The madness in Hamlet was to be unleashed only on Claudius. Yet Hamlet's path of destruction killed his mother, she .....

The Play "Amadeus" Is Mainly Concerned With The Destructive Nature Of Jealousy
Number of words: 558 - Number of pages: 3

.... of the Viennese court. He has no comprehension of the value of money, for when he successfully earns any, he spends it on lavish food and clothes immediately, instead of saving it. He spends all his time churning out music in final copy, which, although beautiful, doesn't earn money as would teaching music. Mozart is really the one who should be jealous, as he has little in the way of money or assets, or even respect. All he has is his talent and his priceless music, but not the sense he needs to capitalise on it. It isn't the fact that someone has more tal .....

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