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Term Papers on Arts and Movies

Jurassic Park: Comparison Between Book And Movie
Number of words: 213 - Number of pages: 1

.... predicted, nature cannot be controlled. They find this out when the security system goes out. They soon lost the electric fence and the dinosaurs started to escape. They try to restore the power and are successful but it did not matter since the dinosaurs were already loose. The dinosaurs start to cause a lot of trouble, even with the power restored. They determine that there is nothing they can do. They decide to leave the island by helicopter. The book is much different then the movie. The book goes in more detail about the genetic engineering of the dinosaurs. The book also makes Ian Malcolm .....

Portraying Robin Hood In Two Unique Films
Number of words: 549 - Number of pages: 2

.... Robin Hood is played by a Fox throughout the movie in contrast with a human actor playing the role of Robin Hood in the Fox version of the film. There is indeed a contrast in characters between the Fox and Disney versions of Robin Hood. Secondly, the Fox film doesn't use narration in contrast to the Disney film using an animated roaster who is a Minstrel to narrate much of the story. This changes the point of view in how the viewer interacts with the storyline in the film. In the Fox version you have to rely on the characters to tell you the story of R .....

Bob Roberts: Race And Color
Number of words: 578 - Number of pages: 3

.... against. Not just because they are not the same color as white people but also because they are different. People complain about all the violence on the television and the sexual activity on television, but they are missing the point that kids need to learn about all races for them not to grow up and be discriminatory towards people who are different. Poniewozik also says that, minorities are best represented on workplace dramas (ER, NYPD Blue), but sitcoms, which focus more on family and society, tend to be colorless, color blind or awkwardly color consc .....

The Tragedy Of Julius Caesar: Brutus
Number of words: 841 - Number of pages: 4

.... well."(act 1, scene 2, ll.85-89), as he is speaking to Cassius. Brutus loves Caesar, but would not allow him to "climber-upward...He then unto the ladder turns his back..."(act 2, scene 1, ll.24,26). As the quote says, Brutus would not allow Caesar to rise to power and then turn his back onto the people of Rome. After the assassination of Julius Caesar, Brutus talks to Antony about Caesar's death. "Our hearts you see not; they are pitiful; and pity to the general wrong of Rome..."(act 3, scene 1, ll.185-186). Brutus says that Antony cannot see their(members of .....

Macbeth: Supernatural Influences
Number of words: 1161 - Number of pages: 5

.... to “tempest-tossed”(I,iii,26) a ship and make the captain ill. “I’ll give thee a wind” and “drain him dry as hay sleep shall neither night nor day.”(I,iii,12). This spell is cast due to the fact that the captain’s wife would not give the witch a chestnut. Another hag is bragging about a thumb she has acquired “Here I have a pilot’s thumb”(I,iii,29). These are the first actions that are observed of the witches and the menacing force that is at work. When the witches encounter Macbeth and Banquo for the first time, they make three predictions for Macbeth w .....

A Clockwork Orange
Number of words: 1717 - Number of pages: 7

.... delinquent introduced into prisonization then conditioned by governmental moral standards. This lack of personal moral choice imposed upon Alex creates conflicting situations in which he has no control over. This is apparent when trying to readjust into society. As conflicts arise within the spectrum of criminal justice the main focus is revolved around the corrections aspect of reforming the criminal element. Within the confines of the seventies Londoner. The character, Alex is created as the ultimate juvenile delinquent leading a small gang. Living wit .....

The Classification System In Greek Drama
Number of words: 616 - Number of pages: 3

.... want-to-be actors. The rule also gave way for more effective portrayal of a character. It did this in two ways. First, it gave a way to make the character deeper by giving him contrast to the other characters. Second, it gave an outlet where the characters could form unions with each other. They could team up two against one. It gave a way to show more power to characters. The three-actor rule was also beneficial for financial reasons. Because they were limited in the amount of actors they could bring to festivals, the plays were cheaper to produce. Thi .....

Hamlet As A Tragic Hero
Number of words: 1043 - Number of pages: 4

.... soliloquy, in Hamlet's fourth soliloquy, and in Hamlet's indecisive pursuit in avenging his father's death. First, Hamlet's flaw of irresolution is shown when he sees a play and the passion one particular actor had. A group of players has arrived and Hamlet arranges a personal viewing of The Murder of Gonzago with a small portion of his own lines inserted. Hamlet then observes one portion of the play in which one of the players put on a great display of emotion. Hamlet, besieged by guilt and self-contempt, remarks in his second soliloquy of Hamlet of the emo .....

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