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Term Papers on Legal and Government

Imperialism: And The Way It Took Away Tranquillity
Number of words: 1635 - Number of pages: 6

.... frenzied race was the rest of the un-industrialized world. In 1859 Lincoln said that the Republican party believed in the man and the dollar, but that in case of conflict it believed in the man before the dollar. This is the proper relation which should exist between the two. Man, the handiwork of God, comes first; money, the handiwork of man, is of inferior importance. Man is the master, money the servant, but upon all important questions of the nineteenth century European countries tended to make money the master and man the servant. There are many argumen .....

Capital Punishment Deters Murder, And Is Just Retribution
Number of words: 1316 - Number of pages: 5

.... he will not be able to kill again. Most supporters of the death penalty feel that offenders should be punished for their crimes, and that it does not matter whether it will deter the crime rate. Supporters of the death penalty are in favour of making examples out of offenders, and that the threat of death will be enough to deter the crime rate, but the crime rate is irrelevant. According to Isaac Ehrlich's study, published on April 16, 1976, eight murders are deterred for each execution that is carried out in the U.S.A. He goes on to say, "If on .....

Capital Punishment
Number of words: 895 - Number of pages: 4

.... used for execution in 1994. In addition to the three most popular choices, a hanging and a firing squad are also used in a few states. According to the book “Should We Have ” by JoAnn Bren Guernsey, these choices were made with the goal of a more humane murder in mind. The gas chamber is a small, sealed room in which the prisoner sits strapped to a chair. A lethal gas is sent through the floor of the room, and death usually takes about five minutes. Lethal injections simply involve the insertion of a needle filled with poison into a vein and injected. This proced .....

The First Amendment
Number of words: 2614 - Number of pages: 10

.... of basic freedoms has been of the utmost importance to Americans. In Langston Hughes' poem, "Freedom," he emphasizes the struggle to enjoy the freedoms that he knows are rightfully his. He reflects the American desire for freedom now when he says, "I do not need my freedom when I'm dead. I cannot live on tomorrow's bread." He recognizes the need for freedom in its entirety without compromise or fear. I think Langston Hughes captures the essence of the American immigrants' quest for freedom in his poem, "Freedom's Plow." He accurately describes A .....

The Press And Media Cause Rampant Swaying Of The Election Votes Through Their Opinions And Reports
Number of words: 2657 - Number of pages: 10

.... that nothing the Anti-federalists and their supporting press could say would be enough to shake their control. Yet it was Adams who, in spite of his undoubted intelligence, made a mistake of such proportions that it brought about his own downfall and the party's (Press and the Presidency, John Tebbel 1985). This mistake would be the Sedition Act, which tested the first amendment and the freedoms of the press. This obviously did not please the press and its opinions were generally shifted to that of the Anti-Federalist. This was a deadly blow t .....

Number of words: 579 - Number of pages: 3

.... When users take marijuana, it doesn't lead to violence-related crimes. Most users commit crime because they want to get marijuana, but this problem can be easily solved if the government would legalize marijuana again. When you take marijuana, it doesn't make you violent, in fact it leads to non-violence. There has never been a case that a person died from smoking marijuana. THC is one of the few chemicals that has no known toxic amount. This is amazing, since tobacco(which is legal) has 340,000 plus deaths in a typical year, compared to marijuana, whic .....

The Mafia And Street Gangs
Number of words: 1428 - Number of pages: 6

.... word for refuge. The society's intentions were to create a sense of family based on ancestry and Sicilian heritage. In the 1800's, pictures of a black hand were distributed to the wealthy. This was an unspoken request for an amount of money in return for protection. If the money wasn't paid, the recipients could expect violence such as kidnappings, bombings, and murder. By the nineteenth century, this society grew larger and more criminally oriented. Gangs of today have similar roots to yesterday. Gangs in one form or another have been around for hundr .....

Harry Potter And Censorship
Number of words: 1619 - Number of pages: 6

.... life would become very repetitive. Parents are not alone in the battle against questionable reading material. There are many religious groups who make it their personal mission to rid America's libraries of books they see as damaging. One such group is the Christian Coalition and Citizens for Excellence in Education, who print lists with intentions of censoring the books on them. What is it in children's books that adults find so threatening? Parents often object to strong or degrading words and names, or ideas and events that promote satanic, anti-Chr .....

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