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Term Papers on Legal and Government

Abraham Lincoln And His Cabinet
Number of words: 631 - Number of pages: 3

.... Lincoln's secretary of state, William H. Seward, clearly considered himself the President's superior, and blandly offered to assume the executive responsibility. He entered the cabinet with the thought of becoming the power behind the Presidential chair and openly opposed Lincoln's control of the Union. This made Lincoln's position as Chief of State exceedingly difficult and hindered his communication and control of the military. As time passed, however, Seward recognized Lincoln's capabilities and gave him complete loyalty (Simmons 174). This could .....

The Supreme Court
Number of words: 1014 - Number of pages: 4

.... of the United States has several different types of cases which they generally hear. The first of these are controversies in which the United States is a party. Another categories of cases are ones in which there is a conflict between different states, as well as cases in which the parties involved are from different states. The federal question jurisdiction includes cases that are under the Constitution or federal statutes and or treaties. Cases that involve admiralty and maritime law are also heard by . This court is considered to be the final arbitrato .....

U.S Postal Service As A Monopoly
Number of words: 1238 - Number of pages: 5

.... the government had to subsidize the service in order for it to continue in operation. In 1979 the United States Postal Service had a cash flow of $22.5 Billion and was additionally receiving $176 million from investing(#1, Intro). Even with this added revenue the Postal Service was still greatly under funded on its own (#1, Intro). During this time it was discussed to privatize the postal service and introduce competition because of the extreme losses that the service was experiencing. A positive argument for privatizing the Postal Service was with num .....

The Infamous Watergate Scandal
Number of words: 2129 - Number of pages: 8

.... indicated in September 1972 on charges of burglary, conspiracy and wire-tapping. Four months later they were convicted and sentenced to prison terms by District Court Judge John J. Sercia was convinced that relevant details had not been unveiled during the trial and offered leniency in exchanged for further information. As it became increasingly evident that the Watergate burglars were tied closely to the Central Intelligence Agency and the Committee to re-elect the president. (Watergate) Four of these men, who were arrested on the morning of June 17, 1972, .....

Federalism's Role In Our Government
Number of words: 1846 - Number of pages: 7

.... feelings were that government organization is necessary but basically evil. He said that goods, rather than money, are the basis of wealth. Hume stated that individual happiness is the unselfish regard for the general welfare of society. Hume was greatly influenced by John Locke and said that the concept of right and wrong is not rational but arises from a regard for one’s own happiness. Federalism was incorporated into the Constitution in order to make sure that the national government did not gain too much power. After the revolution, many people feared a .....

Canada's Copyright Law
Number of words: 861 - Number of pages: 4

.... one to the other. You could rent a movie form the video store, copy and return it, with no one the wiser. The problem with copying video and audio tapes is that for every copy you make the recording artist, the actors, producers and everyone else who collect royalties from the tapes lose money. If the companies start to lose money, they raise prices. Thus a vicious circle begins. As prices go up, fewer people buy original copies. If less people buy the original cassettes prices will once again rise. Another major form of piracy is plagia .....

The Importance Of National Security
Number of words: 704 - Number of pages: 3

.... The original threatening four have now been joined by China (with a Communist dictatorship), India, Pakistan (with a very unstable political/governmental system), Israel and South Africa. When the Soviet Union fell apart, all the republics sent their nuclear weapons to Russia. However, there is no proof that the new countries that were formed and now have dictatorships, such as Belaruse (which used to have nuclear weapons), Khazakstan and even Ukraine gave up all of their nuclear weapons. At least they could still have the technology that would enable t .....

Drugs And Legalization
Number of words: 552 - Number of pages: 3

.... see selling drugs as the only way to make money. Minimum wage salaries can not compare to the huge profits associated with dealing. In a drug community, the drug dealers are seen as the center of the community. They become role models for the children, replacing their parents. Eliminating the drug dealer will force these young children into the reality that education is the way to make money, not selling drugs. N.O.R.M.L (National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws) is a fully recognized organization that lobbies for the removal of criminal p .....

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