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Term Papers on Legal and Government

Number of words: 446 - Number of pages: 2

.... a horrible crime and I think they did a good job being unbiased. I think that it is a good idea to publicize crimes like this. From my other studies, I have learned that the informal sanctions, public humiliation and shame, are far more effective than the formal sanctions in preventing crime. When people who are having a hard time dealing with being a parent see something like this in the , they may stop to think about their actions. A good idea would be to run several articles on where parents can go to for help. The combination of the two, may help prevent this .....

Drugs: Hurt Players And Sports
Number of words: 1035 - Number of pages: 4

.... a drug abuse center for his addiction to Vicodin, a very strong painkiller (Plummer 129 ). Favre had problems because of Vicodin. Favre suffered a seizure in February while in surgery to repair a broken bone. The seizure resulted from the abuse of the painkiller (Howard 1). Favre states, “I went to Topeka, because the pills had gotten the best of me” ( qtd. in Plummer 129). Favre's daughter Brittany asked his wife Deanna, “Is he going to die?” (qtd. in Plummer 129). He not only scared himself but his family as well. Favre not has to submit up to ten .....

Gun Control
Number of words: 524 - Number of pages: 2

.... arms" is guaranteed in the second amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America and licensing restrictions penalize law-abiding citizens while in no way preventing criminal use of handguns. It is also argued that by making it difficult for guns to be bought and registered for the American public there is a threat to the personal safety of American families everywhere. However controlling the sale and distribution of firearms is necessary because of the homicide rate involving guns. In 1988 there were 9000 handgun related murders in Americ .....

Capital Punishment
Number of words: 668 - Number of pages: 3

.... should have the right to live, but have to face each day with the fact that they killed someone weighing on their conscience. On the other hand, such as with a voluntary murder, the ideas are somewhat similar. They believe the murderer doesn’t deserve the death penalty. Chances are if a person is insane enough to kill another human being in the first place, they aren’t going to care what happens to them. They realize that their execution, in most cases, is going to be short and painless. This isn’ t a just punishment for someone who has inflicted severe .....

Legalization Of Drugs
Number of words: 1063 - Number of pages: 4

.... those shoot-outs occur, the inner city, would change the most after the legalization of marijuana. A lot of the kids there idolize drug dealers. They see a person with designer clothes, a black Mercedes, gold chains, and big smile on their face. That drug dealer seems like the most successful person in the neighborhood. It's very easy to want to follow in the footsteps of someone like this. Legalization would greatly reduce the profits of drug dealers. Kids would emulate the people they're supposed to. These role models include teachers, doctors, law enfo .....

Crime Prevention
Number of words: 3220 - Number of pages: 12

.... situational , environmental design, community-based policing, vigilante justice, and auxiliary justice, in theory, will prevent crime. One of the reasons that community has become popular in the past twenty years is because of the economics of the justice system. The government was facing huge costs and they wanted to divert some responsibility to community based programs. Another reason was that police departments wanted to use the local communities to be their eyes and ears. The reason for this belief was because the community would know exactly what is goi .....

Hunting The White-Tail Deer
Number of words: 708 - Number of pages: 3

.... into the city because of little food due to the over-populated area of deer. Unfortunately, this causes a hassle in major cities when people try to catch the deer without harming it. Debra Fluitt, a citizen of Tulsa, Oklahoma, said, “Last year a big white-tail deer came into my very own house as I was unloading groceries. When the police tried to get it out, it destroyed over $800 worth of my belongings and finally jumped through the window.” After the deer are captured in the city, they are taken back into an environment where food is scarce because of the o .....

The Presidential Contenders In
Number of words: 1604 - Number of pages: 6

.... would be a slave state. He was one of several northerners supported over the years by southern Democrats for being amenable to slaveholders' interests, a situation originating with Martin van Buren. Buchanan's two major rivals for the nomination, Franklin Pierce and Stephen Douglas, were both politically tainted by the bloodshed in Kansas. Buchanan was untainted, since he had been abroad during most of the controversy. Even so, he did not secure the nomination until the seventeenth ballot. Fremont was best known as an explorer and a war hero. He surveyed the la .....

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