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Term Papers on Miscellaneous

Men's Basketball
Number of words: 303 - Number of pages: 2

.... in many levels. Many elememtary schools have after school programs offering basketball courts open to the students. Basketball is played in almost every high school in the United States. From here both boys and girls are recruited to play for college. After college few make it to the American and National leauges. Some even find playing in Europe satisfys their love for playing basketball. Mens Basketball has always defined the way basketball was played. In the 1990's the NBA opened a concurrent leauge by initiating the WNBA. The first professional womans basket .....

Food Production
Number of words: 701 - Number of pages: 3

.... their seedbeds. Many keep a mulch cover of residues to shield their soil from wind and water erosion. Crop rotation and cover crops are also being increasingly used to hold soil in place between plantings. Still, many small-seeded crops require a finely worked, pulverized seedbed, and soil erosion cannot be completely eliminated. Fertilizers from both natural and manufactured sources can also contribute to water pollution. Soluble-nitrogen forms can leach into groundwater, and all fertilizers, including animal manures, can be carried along in surface runoff. C .....

Life Or Death 2
Number of words: 1345 - Number of pages: 5

.... as of now, there is no end in sight. There are many views on the topic of euthanasia, some people believe that it should be open to anyone who feels that their life is not worth living; while others think that there is no justifiable reason for why euthanasia should be allowed. These opposing sides have many different reasons for believing what they do, some reasons people give for euthanasia are intriguing and very thought provoking. Some people believe that a person with an incurable disease or severe disability that causes life to be racked with pain and burd .....

Number of words: 339 - Number of pages: 2

.... alcohol and happiness for the year ended. Drinking alcohol has also been known to bring people more in touch with their feelings, and allowed them to express themselves and their desires more freely. Finally, Halloween is the best holiday of the year, because television stations play all the good horror movies. Horror movies tend to let people experience a long missed and long needed sense of fear, which consists of things like a racing of the heart, an increase of the senses, and an adrenaline rush response. This helps people to realize their own mortality, .....

Commercialism As Americas Hidd
Number of words: 1049 - Number of pages: 4

.... an evil genius trying to get my attention so that I could be brainwashed into buying a product? Could it perhaps be simply one artist communicating a new sense of beauty to the whole world, regardless of the product I was deeply affected by the strange time and space rendered in front of me in thirty seconds. Commercial film affects me more than fine art in a museum does. It has also proven to be much better at portraying subtleties to a mass audience in a clear and definite way. People are ashamed of this comparative strength. Many of my self-fabricated intell .....

A Society Without Knowledge!
Number of words: 925 - Number of pages: 4

.... a bad influence to others. Society refused to accept Huck as he was and wasn't going to change its opinions about him until he was reformed and civilized. The Widow Douglas and Miss Watson try to "sivilize" Huck by making stop all of his habits such as smoking, etc. They try to reverse all of his teaching from the first twelve years of his life and force him to become their stereotypical good boy. The rest of the town .....

The Virtues Of Honesty
Number of words: 1469 - Number of pages: 6

.... the testimony she or he gives is the truth. Another example of an oath is the oath that is taken by a public official, such as the vice president and president of the United States of America when that official assumes office. The taking of an oath generally implies some legal or moral sanction for failing to carry out one's sworn pledge. A trial witness, for example, may be charged with the crime of perjury for lying under oath. When someone swears to a statement under oath or on an affidavit and the statement is found to be false it is called perjury a .....

Public Misunderstanding Of "Officer Safety"
Number of words: 770 - Number of pages: 3

.... of the mind of every officer. Another thing that an officer must keep in mind during a traffic stop is the safety of the civilian driver. Same situation as above, but instead, as the vehicle stops, the driver gets out of his car and is struck by a passing motorist. Again, this happens more than you would like to believe. The FBI conducts semi-annual research regarding the subject of officer safety and procedural changes which increase the chances of law enforcement officers surviving their high risk work day. These are the some of the procedures wh .....

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