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Persuasion 2
Number of words: 1412 - Number of pages: 6

.... peripheral route. In advertising a combination of the two is common and effective. Computer ads rely primarily on the central route, because their target audiences are perceived as highly analytical. Promotion for alcohol and tobacco products employ the peripheral route because they wish to draw attention away from the possible negative effects that they are, in reality, associated with. To truly understand the effects of persuasion it is necessary to break the act down to its smaller components. The for elements of persuasion are 1.) The communicator, 2.) The me .....

Boxing-A Safe Sport
Number of words: 675 - Number of pages: 3

.... blow. A knockdown is scored as a single punch and does not necessarily make the boxer a winner of that round. When scoring this way, there is little emphasis on inflicting pain. Head guards are mandatory in the United States and in major international competitions. Form-fitted mouthpieces are also required and must be worn at all times; if it falls out, it is replaced immediately. Two boxers are usually matched up to their ability or skill level so to keep the bout fair. Also a boxer is never placed in a position where he will get injured. The referee .....

Skeptical Views On Noahs Ark
Number of words: 6339 - Number of pages: 24

.... at the beginning of the Early Dynastic I period. According to the Sumerian King List, a legendary king named Ziusudra lived in Shuruppak at the time of the flood. There was also a flood myth about king Ziusudra which includes several story elements very similar to the Genesis flood myth. Shuruppak was also the flood hero's city according to the Epic of Gilgamesh. The flood myth in the Epic of Gilgamesh was adapted from an earlier myth, the Epic of Atrahasis which is also very similar to the Genesis flood myth. Six of these Ancient Near East flood myths contai .....

A Breif History Of Comics
Number of words: 3558 - Number of pages: 13

.... calling it yellow journalism which now has come to mean overly sensational journalism. Although Outcault won the battle over the rights of "Yellow kid," the mass marketing began. The cartoon was everywhere. Products were being produced, even cigars, bearing the "yellow kid." Soon the comic revolution began, and strips were published all over. Of these comics, "Katzenjammer Kids" drawn by Rudolph Dirks in 1897, was one of the most popular and first to regularly use voice balloons for dialogue. Outcault also continued drawing, and began a strip called "Buster Brown .....

The Danger Of Air Bags And The
Number of words: 3272 - Number of pages: 12

.... than that of the National Highway Travel Safety Association. This report goes on to say that driver airbags have been deployed in over 3.3 million automobile crashes and more than 660,000 passenger airbags have deployed while the front seat was occupied (www.highwaysafety.org/safety_facts/airbags/stats.html). Air Bag Death Statistics Based on a NHTSA report from September 1st, 1998, 53.0 million cars, or about 42 percent of all cars on the road, are equipped with some form of air bag protection. With the amount of cars on the road with air bags, the NHTSA repo .....

Amish Business Relations
Number of words: 547 - Number of pages: 2

.... generation to generation have resulted in the best quality products, a proud Amish tradition. Of course, the Amish did not choose this newly found way of life, they were forced in by greater urbanization and the diminished availability and affordability of farmland. They would rather stay and go into small business than move to a more rural state. One of the most known societies is in the town of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. There is an estimated 1,000 Amish businesses in the Amish community. Within these 1,000 businesses one third of them were newly forme .....

Individual, Group And Society
Number of words: 1734 - Number of pages: 7

.... which formed by individuals, have conflict in themselves. It is sometimes called social conflict. What are attraction, loyalty, identification and association as forms of solidarity? In the textbook attraction is defined as positive affective attachment to another person (71). This definition can be applied to the relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend, husband and wife, and either father or mother and child. For example, the relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend might be heavily depended on attraction to each other because until they met togethe .....

Education: Past, Present, And Future
Number of words: 765 - Number of pages: 3

.... first became popular. Nowadays, in the present, school not only is a place to learn, it's a place to stress out. As I walk through the halls all students seem to have that academic nervousness. If you listen to the conversations that go on in the hall it's always, "Ohh my gosh, Becky! I'm going to have a fat cow! I think I'm getting a B in my chemistry class, and that is going to ruin my record." Pressure is constantly put upon students to get "straight A's" It is very rare when a student will not shoot for an A on a quiz. It's human nature to succeed, but wi .....

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