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Term Papers on Miscellaneous

Internet Censorship
Number of words: 800 - Number of pages: 3

.... imaginable. This can be used for anything from cooking dinner to finding out the latest movie showtimes. 2. Being such a good source of reaching people, the internet can change the way society works. It is an entire new way of communication. A small phone wire or data cable from a network can transmit data that is then interpreted by us, the user, as communication, interaction. By using the internet we are not only looking up information, we are also communicating to the world via electronic impulses. B. Commercial 1. The internet is a way of providin .....

Desriptive Essay On Wrestling
Number of words: 434 - Number of pages: 2

.... but they are not as powerful as the bigger ones. The smaller wrestlers rely on their speed to win their matches. During the event there is a smell of smoke in the air from the fireworks that had gone off. There is a general noise throughout the building that gets louder as the wrestlers do a special move or look to the crowd. When a wrestler enters the ring the only thing that you can hear is the first part of their theme song because as soon as the crowd knows who it is they either cheer or boo. The sound of the wrestlers being slammed against the mat is .....

In Process Randd
Number of words: 2347 - Number of pages: 9

.... R&D write-off. Effects on Future Periods Current and future results can be affected significantly by the allocation of the purchase cost of a business. When the acquired company is involved in research and development for products not yet developed, generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) allow the acquirer to allocate a portion of the purchase price to IPR&D. If IPR&D were an asset, it would have to be subtracted little by little from future earnings. Amounts paid in the business combination are written-off immediately as purchased R&D. A large u .....

Effective Reading Comprehensio
Number of words: 2129 - Number of pages: 8

.... two special education resource-reading classes. The classes were two separate resource-reading classes at Flintville Junior High School in Flintville, Tennessee. Two separate teachers taught the two classes. During the 1998-1999 school year one of the resource teachers used computers in his classroom to give periodic comprehension quizzes to the reading students as they read various stories. The second teacher did not use computers for periodic comprehension quizzes. At the end of the school year, the grades of the students for the year were compared. The pu .....

Paper About New Product, Bount
Number of words: 4513 - Number of pages: 17

.... with the smallest amount of the product. P&G have produced Bounty Toilet Paper because of this change in the lifestyle of Americans. With this focus on effectiveness and durability, Bounty will go into the new Millennium leading the toilet paper world. Proctor and Gamble was founded in Cincinnati, OH, by William Proctor and James Gamble in 1837. Initially the company was started to compete with the 14 other soap and candle makers already established in Cincinnati, but around the end of the century, Proctor and Gamble dropped candle manufacturing altogether .....

Number of words: 605 - Number of pages: 3

.... observations as Friedrich Nietzsche's analogies of humanity's removal from tradition. With the church being secularized in most cases and feudalism crushed, the comfort found in the routine of their dominance was lost while, in general, a nationalist pride was invoked as a replacement. It was also a time of technological prosperity, enhanced by this flourishing nationalism, that the emergence of yet another industrial revolution began, bringing such new technologies as electricity, huge advances in mass media, transportation and a barrage of other inventions fue .....

Personal Writing: College
Number of words: 502 - Number of pages: 2

.... was a lot more than I expected. I ended up failing Physics, Calculus and Chemistry! In addition to that, I was subject to separation from < > college. Well, now a decision really had to be made; it was time for me to make a choice. My parents told me to think about other colleges and to think about other things to do instead of college, but I knew that < > was right for me. They often suggested that I go to community college for a semester or two and make sure that I was doing something that I wanted to do. I had attended the community college in my a .....

Money Vs Morality
Number of words: 625 - Number of pages: 3

.... if they were women, men, or children. They were simply just dirty slaves to the English. Another way of getting slaves was war. They would take the prisoners of war from warring tribes in Africa. The third known way to obtain slaves was to pillage. All three ways were efficient, and often used. So the slaves were then loaded on a carrier ship. The slaves were loaded into the basement of the ship, a hot, musty, and dark place. Think of the worst place you could imagine, and think of staying there for days at a time. Some tried to escape, but for those .....

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