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Term Papers on Science

Meth 2
Number of words: 358 - Number of pages: 2

.... physical activity, loss of appetite, increased heart rate, inability to sleep, strokes can occur, chest pain, increased blood pressure, irregular heart rate, aids and HIV through the use of needles, dependence, tolerance, addiction, and can cause psychosis. The use of Meth is going up. In 1995, 3.9% of high school seniors had used it. That's an increase of 2.7% since 1990. 8 out of 10 people who try Meth will become addicted. Famous people who have done Meth include- Chris Farley, John Belushi, and Mick Jagger. The cost of doing Meth is very hig .....

Plate Tectonics
Number of words: 516 - Number of pages: 2

.... movement of the continents. Wegener's theory for the movement of continents was called continental drift. This was not believable at the time because there was no way the continents could move through the rigid ocean floor. During WWII, people started to explore the ocean floor and discovered evidence that would prove Wegener's ideas about land movement. The most interesting feature of the ocean was the ridges running along the ocean floor. It was discovered that earthquakes were abundant along the ridges that let magma flow from them. The magma would flow .....

Fungi: The Great Decomposers
Number of words: 180 - Number of pages: 1

.... history of fungi is not very clear because scientists have never realy wnt in great deepth , because fungi are not needed commericaly. the ancestors of fungi lived in shallow bodies of water about 600-800 million years ago. Some of the things the fungi had to encounter from living out of water was, there was more sunlight that was normally blocked be the water, and the had to do something about the rapid shifts in tempature and seasonal shifts. Fungi are different from other plants in many ways. The general characteristics of fungi are extracellalar digestion, peculiar structures, growth .....

Voltage: Ohm's Law And Kirchhoff's Rules
Number of words: 879 - Number of pages: 4

.... resistors connected in series, the sum of their resistance is, RTOTAL=R1+R2+ ..... +Rn . And for resistors connected in parallel, 1/RTOTAL==1/R1+1/R2+ ..... +1/Rn . Complex dc circuit involving a combination of parallel and series resistors can be analyzed to find the current and voltage at each point of the circuit using 2 basic rules formulated by Kirchhoff. 1) The algebraic sum of current at any branch point in a circuit is zero. 2) The algebraic sum of potential difference, V, around any closed loop in a circuit is zero. These rules and equations provided .....

Depression 5
Number of words: 2664 - Number of pages: 10

.... withdraw from daily activities altogether. They may even withdraw from families and friends. Rod Steiger an Academy Award-winning actor who had starring roles in over 72 films is clinically depressed. During a time when Rod was down he wrote a letter to his wife and son: I want to die; I don’t want to move. I have no feeling for movement. To be left alone, to disappear. Not to be bothered with washing, shaving, talking, walking, going to the bathroom. If only to get out of this tunnel and heavy darkness, cold and oily, constantly pressing against my brain and .....

Man Vs. The Environment
Number of words: 674 - Number of pages: 3

.... burning of the forest was done to make way for the intruders’ villages, towns, and cities. Once estab-lished the settlers needed more room for farms and bigger cities so again they pushed into the forest causing the Na-tive Americans and the wildlife to withdraw further into interior of the continent. Let us move forward a hundred or so years in history the settling of the American Great Plains. One of the big-gest violations of the environment was taking place, the buffalo hunters, and the extermination of the Native Ameri-cans and their cult .....

The Big Bang Model
Number of words: 1285 - Number of pages: 5

.... universe is still expanding, as astronomers have observed. The Steady State model says that the universe does not evolve or change in time. There was no beginning in the past, nor will there be change in the future. This model assumes the perfect cosmological principle. This principle says that the universe is the same everywhere on the large scale, at all times.2 It maintains the same average density of matter forever. There are observational evidences found that can prove the Big Bang model is more reasonable than the Steady State model. First .....

Modernization Of Computers
Number of words: 544 - Number of pages: 2

.... being tested. This is away to simulate reality on a monitor. In order to feel this so-called realityyou have to wear special electronic glasses and an electronic suit. Fastened tothe suit are sensors, which send information to the main computer. Thiscomputer works with the data and displays them on the electronic spectacles. This is a technique which use three-dimentional views, therefore the scenery seems incredibly realistic. If you want to be a boxer, simply change thescenery on the main computer, and you are in the ring.Today, many kids have got video .....

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