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Hurricanes 3
Number of words: 1570 - Number of pages: 6

.... Greatest loss of life however, occurred in Mexico where Gilbert hit twice, first of all traversing the Yucatan Peninsula and two days later making landfall some 150 km south of the border with the USA, finally dissipating near the city of Monterrey. During its most intense phase at the western end of the Caribbean Sea, Gilbert was estimated to have central pressure of 885mbar, and maximum sustained winds in its circulation over 150kt (knots) with highest gusts in excess of 175 kt. The central pressure outrivalled the 899 mbar of the Florida Keys hurricane of .....

Nutritional Protocol For Inflammation
Number of words: 1078 - Number of pages: 4

.... inflammation that is always destructive to tissues and is equated to disease.(2) When repair is successful, inflammation becomes a limited phenomena. Some conditions such as asthma, allergies, autoimmune diseases, fibromyalgia, migraine headaches, osteoarthritis, peptic ulcers, and psoriasis comprise examples of perpetual or chronic inflammation.(3) It is these chronic conditions, hallmarked by pain and fatigue, that eventually lead to loss of function. The treatment that millions of people turn to each year is Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAID's .....

Endangerd Species
Number of words: 1562 - Number of pages: 6

.... About 1000 species in the world are named endangered, or are in threat to be extinct. I never knew that some kinds of birds were in danger. We can help these animals and plants by making laws that you are not allowed to hunt or kill any animal that is in danger of extinction. Government Involvement Only since the 19th century has there been worldwide concern about the case of species in their natural environments. Finally in 1916 they made a law called Migratory Bird Treaty. They had this law in United States, Great Britain, Canada, and later in Mexico .....

The Effects Of Hurricane Gilbert
Number of words: 1641 - Number of pages: 6

.... and some solutions such as insurance and funds. Atmospheric conditions were some of thefactors that contributed to Hurricane Gilbert's intensity. Hurricane Gilbert had extremely powerful winds that reached 160 knots which is about 175 mph and gusts up to 121 mph (Stengel 18). At 10, 000 feet, Gilbert's Counter clockwise winds reached up to 200 miles per hour, and at ground level the winds were around 175 mph(Stengel 17). With winds that strong, almost nothing could stop that storm. When the winds began to spread out over a large area, they stirred the Atlantic w .....

Caffeine 2
Number of words: 413 - Number of pages: 2

.... seen in cyclic AMP. This means that caffeine will fit adenosine receptors as well as adenosine itself will. Thus, cyclic AMP remains active, rather than being broken down. Second among the effects of caffeine is phosphodiesterase inhibition. The phosphodiesterase class of enzymes includes a number of enzymes responsible for breaking down cyclic AMP, thus depriving the body of an energy supply. Caffeine fools phosphodiesterase into attacking it instead, which inhibits the breakdown of cyclic AMP. However, the concentration of caffeine required for this effect .....

The Roswell Incident
Number of words: 1146 - Number of pages: 5

.... Washington, D.C. ordering the cover-up. Numerous other credible military and civilian witnesses have testified that the original press release was correct and that the Roswell wreckage was of extraterrestrial origin. One such individual was Major Jesse Marcel, the Intelligence Officer of the 509th Bomb Group and one of the first military officers at the scene. On January 12, 1994, United States Congressman Steven Schiff of Albuquerque, New Mexico, announced to the press that he had been stonewalled by the Defense Department when requesting information on the .....

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Number of words: 3526 - Number of pages: 13

.... ("Sclerosis") in the region. Over 5,000 Americans are diagnosed with ALS each year. There is great variation in the course of the disease. Symptoms usually appear in individuals between the ages of 40-70, though the disease has been reported in both younger and older persons. Survival after the confirming diagnosis is, on average, two to five years. Progression of ALS varies with each individual; therefore, some will live longer--up to 10 years, and about five percent will exceed 12 years. In some cases, the disease seems to plateau. Many patients are able t .....

Types Of Clouds
Number of words: 825 - Number of pages: 3

.... in the polar regions. Cirrus clouds are the most common of the High Cloud group. They are composed entirely of ice and consist of long, thin, wispy streamers. They are commonly known as "mare's tails" because of their appearance. Cirrus clouds are usually white and predict fair weather. Cirrostratus clouds, belonging to the high cloud group, are sheet like thin clouds that usually cover the entire sky. The sun or moon can shine through Cirrostratus clouds. Sometimes, the sun or moon will appear to have a halo around it when in the presence of Cirrostratus. The .....

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