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Term Papers on Science

About All Sharks
Number of words: 761 - Number of pages: 3

.... about 82 species. These sharks are characterized by their slender, cylinder-shaped bodies, long snouts with shortened mouths. HEXANCHIFORMES: The Hexanchiformes or cow sharks, comprise of two families. Recognized by their six or seven pairs of gill slits, there sharks can often be found in deep water. The frilled shark (CHLAMYDISELACHUS ANGUINEUS) who's appearance is quite unmistakable due to it's "eel" like appearance, is perhaps one the strangest shark that exist today. FOSSIL RECORD: Shark fossil record is fargmentery at best. Most fossils found so far con .....

Acid Rain
Number of words: 1940 - Number of pages: 8

.... in Sweden and Norway first believed that acidic rain may be causing great ecological damage to the planet. The problem was that by the time that the scientist found the problem it was already very large. Detecting an acid lake is often quite difficult. A lake does not become acid over night. It happens over a period of many years, some times decades. The changes are usually to gradual for them to be noticed early. At the beginning of the 20th century most rivers/lakes like the river Tovdal in Norway had not yet begun to die. However by 1926 local inspec .....

Evolution 2
Number of words: 3283 - Number of pages: 12

.... with the studies of fossils and comparative anatomy that life on earth had endured many changes through a long period of time. In the early 1800s, another French naturalist named Lamark, proposed the first complete theory of evolution. He observed through is observations, depending on the extent to which the use of the structure, that an animal’s body structure is able to change during its life span. He also noted that organs and muscles, which were used often, tended to become larger and stronger. On the contrary, the organs and muscles, which were .....

Number of words: 1923 - Number of pages: 7

.... that voluntary, passive euthanasia is the same as suicide; involuntary euthanasia is considered to be murder. Because euthanasia poses classic dilemmas as to its morality, it is not surprising that many issues arise in the legal and medical arenas. In law, the resolution of a particular case cannot always be applied to resolve another. In the medical realm, interpretation of medical doctrine concerning treatment of terminally-ill patients can result in entirely different applications. In two relatively recent cases, the Supreme Court had to decide the .....

Bipolar Disorder 3
Number of words: 792 - Number of pages: 3

.... episodes. Manic depression can send a person plunging from a high state, where one may believe one has superhuman energy and abilities, into a pit of despair, where it may seem as if the only way out is suicide. There are two types of bipolar, bipolar 1 and bipolar 2. Bipolar 1 is diagnosed differently than bipolar 2. Bipolar I is diagnosed when person has a manic episode and has had no depressive episodes in the past. However, after the first manic episode occurs, depressive episodes often follow. Most people (over 90%) with Bipolar I experience two or .....

Ebola Virus 2
Number of words: 476 - Number of pages: 2

.... is in Kikwit, Zaire. The outbreak appears to have started with a patient who had surgery in Kikwit on April 10, 1995. Members of the patient's surgical team developed symptoms similar to those of a viral hemorrhagic fever disease. The symptoms of Ebola hemorrhagic fever begin 4 to 16 says after infection. Victims develop fever, chills, headaches, muscle aches, and loss of appetite. The patient will suffer vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pains, soar throat, and chest pain as the virus progresses. The blood fails to clot and patients may bleed from injec .....

Nuclear Power
Number of words: 1403 - Number of pages: 6

.... reason most countries use thermal versus the hydroelectric is because their countries don't have enough concentrated water to create enough energy to generate electricity. (World Book vol. 14, 586) plants generate only about eleven percent of the world's electricity. There are around 316 plants in the world that create 213,000 megawatts of electricity. (INFOPEDIA) Radioactive, or nuclear, waste is the by-product of nuclear fission. Fission occurs when atoms' nucleus' split and cause a nuclear reaction. (General Information) When a free neutron splits a nucl .....

A Discussion On Earthquakes
Number of words: 1189 - Number of pages: 5

.... they will strike. This essay will discuss how earthquakes are formed and occur, how scientists can more accurately predict the arrival of earthquakes. Before contemplating how earthquakes might possibly be prevented, it is essential that the process and formation of and earthquake be understood. Earthquakes are caused when the earth's crustal plates move, rub, or push against each other. The earth's crust (the outer layer of the earth) is made up of seven major plates and approximately thirteen smaller ones. The name plate is used to describe these po .....

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