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Term Papers on Science

Number of words: 1792 - Number of pages: 7

.... cell. Naturally, the cell that was starved will try to fuse with the healthy cell but it will need a little help. These two cells are then electrified thereby causing the two cells to fuse together combining their genetic structures. Cloning / 3 Now that we have established the scientific basis of cloning, let me tell you how cloning can directly benefit humanity. There are many health issues that can be avoided, reversed and cured by the cloning of human cells and body parts. With the aid of cloning technology, couples that have s .....

Nuclear Legacy
Number of words: 1091 - Number of pages: 4

.... filled with nuclear waste into the ocean but they started leaking. As you can see, there is a great need for a nuclear waste disposal site. These sites may sound frightening, but it may be the only way for us to dispose the devastation we had longed to create. In 1986, the decision for a nuclear waste depositary proved to be "the most frightening decision of the decade." Of these sites, three were chosen to be the "most suitable" for the disposal of nuclear by-products. These three sites consisted of Hanford, Washington; Yuka Mountain, Nevada; and Defs .....

Early Intervention And
Number of words: 1118 - Number of pages: 5

.... something to do with a neurological or biochemical dysfunction. Contrary to what was originally thought, autism is not a form of mental retardation. It manifests itself in varying degrees of severity, from profound to mild. Dr. Temple Grandin is an assistant professor at Colorado State University who was diagnosed as autistic at a young age, yet with proper help, she continued through school and earned a Ph.D. Autism is usually diagnosed in the first three years of life. Early indication of autism may be seen in one or more ways. First, there is a lack of resp .....

Linux Against Microsoft Windows
Number of words: 1890 - Number of pages: 7

.... of running on the Digital Alpha systems so it can reach the advanced users.Other computer system is Macintosh Power PC that is used by graphical designers,press companies and advertising companies, can be run with Linux. The others are Sun Sparc&Sun Ultra, Amiga, 3Com Palm Pilot which are rarely used. This capability of Linux provides a large user number and user kind that makes Linux more popular.(www.linux.org) Linux has a powerful security system.It is almost impossible to write a virus for Linux because it must be 30-40 Mbytes.Also it has firewal .....

Number of words: 1175 - Number of pages: 5

.... Definition of " develops during the first six months of gestation . Neurons are churned out in the brain's ventricular zone. Attached to fibers, the neurons travel to the cerebral cortex, which contains the language centers. Here they hit a barrier, stop and take their place in layers above previously deposited neurons, (which is normal). In the brains of dyslexics, how-ever, there are breaches in the barrier and the neurons enter them, leaving clumps of nerve cells called ectopias, which appear to interface with the brain's ability to receive and .....

Depression 3
Number of words: 556 - Number of pages: 3

.... or miscarriage, a move to a new home or job, the end of an important relationship, financial problems, a chronic illness, or any other traumatic event. For many people, these incidents produce a mild to moderate case of the blues. They feel "down" for a while, but they are able to continue functioning and performing everyday tasks. Although these people may experience the chemical imbalance that is the hallmark of depression, the brain abnormality typically corrects itself within a few weeks. However, in some critical cases, the chemical alteration la .....

Gold And Its Uses.
Number of words: 2573 - Number of pages: 10

.... into a wire five miles long. Gold's malleability is also unparalleled. It can be shaped or extended into extraordinarily thin sheets. For example, one ounce of gold can be hammered into a 100 square foot sheet. Gold is the most reflective and least absorptive material of infrared (or heat) energy. High purity gold reflects up to 99% of infrared rays. Gold is also an excellent conductor of thermal energy or heat. Since many electronic processes create heat, gold is necessary to transfer heat away from delicate instruments. Gold alloy is the most tenacious and l .....

Discussions On Darwin
Number of words: 1803 - Number of pages: 7

.... evolutionists. According to Charles Darwin man began as one of a few species on this new planet striving for survival. However, man was better equipped with certain traits that allowed him to pass through the filter of natural selection. Man was supplied with both physical and intellectual traits that were responsible for allowing him to surmount the other species living beside him. He was able to use his physical traits in order to become the greatest predator, and severely diminish the possibility of become another species prey. His physical traits were .....

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