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Term Papers on Science

The Atomic Bomb
Number of words: 543 - Number of pages: 2

.... weapon in the form of a bomb in which the energy would be released by a fast neutron chain reaction in one or more of the materials known to show nuclear fission. That goal was to be completed in 1945 after the U.S.A. spent over 6.7 Billion Dollars on the test bomb named the "Trinity". I t was dropped on Alagormado in Texas on July 16th 1945. When Albert Einstein heard about the "Trinity" he called the president directly and asked for a halt on all atomic bomb projects for he did not want to hurt anyone with his discovery. But when spies reported the Germans .....

Global Warning
Number of words: 793 - Number of pages: 3

.... Human and ecological systems are already vulnerable to a range of environmental pressures, including climate extremes and variability. Global warming is likely to amplify the effects of other pressures and to disrupt our lives in numerous ways. "Melting icebergs and expanding oceans may cause floods." The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) predicts that there will be an increase in sea level by the year 2100 of 1.5 feet . "Twenty Five percent of the world’s population lives less than 1.1 meters above see level." The .....

Number of words: 2281 - Number of pages: 9

.... Mahale Mountains and the Gombe National Park. In Jane Goodall's, May 1979 article in the National Geographic called "Life and Death at Gombe" it reveals the first time that chimpanzees who were always perceived to be playful, gentle monkeys, could suddenly become dangerous killers. "I knew that some of our chimpanzees, so gentle for the most part, could on occasion become savage killers, ruthless cannibals, and that they had their own form of primitive warfare."(Goodall, 1979:594) To try and explain this ruthless behavior it is necessary to first ana .....

Green Fluorescent Protein Purification
Number of words: 1280 - Number of pages: 5

.... other than the incoming photon. So GFP is basically a stable little (27-30 kD) green light bulb that can be tacked on to other proteins at either the N- or C-terminus without a distortion of its compact beta-can structure. Biochemists now frequently exploit GFP’s unique structural and physical characteristics to visualize various cellular activities. One such application of GFP is to understand the role of a hormone, T3, in the translocation of thyroid hormone nuclear receptors (TRs).* In this project, GFP was fused to the human TR subtype b1 protein .....

Computer Viruses
Number of words: 454 - Number of pages: 2

.... hides within or is designed to look like s legitimate program. Some viruses interrupt processing by freezing a computer system temporarily and then displaying sounds or messages. Other viruses contain time bombs or logic bombs. A time bomb is a program that performs an activity on a particular date. A logic bomb is a program that performs an activity when a certain action occurs, such as an employee being terminated. A worm, which is similar to a virus, copies itself repeatedly until no more memory of disk space remains. To find , anti-virus programs have be .....

Number of words: 394 - Number of pages: 2

.... thermal reaction of tetrachloride with potassium. Later in 1870, an important fact was established: uranium is the last and heaviest element present on earth. This was demonstrated by Dimitri Mendeleev in his famous perodical classification of the elements by chemical properties and increasing atomic mass. Experimentation with uranium lead to many discoversies such as the X-ray by Wilhelm Röntgen, on November 8, 1895. Wilhelm Röntgen, was awarded the first Nobel prize in 1901 for the development of the X-ray. Uranium is weakly radioactive, decaying slowly bu .....

Cellular Radio, Isdn Networks And Satellite Communications
Number of words: 1695 - Number of pages: 7

.... communications, ISDN is a network which can offer all these services as a package in which a user can talk, exchange data, faxes and other documents at the same time, instead of having to use different networks for these services. 3. What is Satellite Communications? This is the use of orbiting satellites to relay microwave transmissions from earth stations to the satellite an to re-transmit those signals back down to another earth station by means of microwave transmission. Cellular Radio At present there are two types of cellular radio systems in operati .....

Information Warfare
Number of words: 1274 - Number of pages: 5

.... companies, to personal blackmail. It’s used not only by individuals against other persons, but companies and even the nation as well. As the third wave, defined by Tofflers, becomes more widely spread across the nation and world we can only expect a far larger usage of such technological tactics, being used in the home, workplace, and even international politics. Schwartau’s definition of is, “the use of information, and information systems as both weapons and targets in a conflict,” (Schwartau 12). We are now living in a time whe .....

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