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Dvd Vs. Vcr
Number of words: 2115 - Number of pages: 8

.... final consideration that consumers should give special attention is the accessibility of the systems. In today’s growing entertainment market, the difficulty in accessing video and DVD movies can play a large part in the decision of which component is right for the consumer.METHODSThe beginning of any research project is in the decision of a topic to research. I chose to research the differences between the VCR and DVD home entertainment systems because the intricacies of the systems and the ways in which they work greatly interest me. I began my work using ordi .....

Artificial Insemination
Number of words: 636 - Number of pages: 3

.... used. Donors can be matched by factors such as race, color of eyes, hair and other physical characteristics, and are screened for conditions such as AIDS, gonorrhea and other STDS. Even though freezing sperm doesn't seem to affect a pregnancy, it reduces the sperm's movement and influences the success rate of . About 75 to 85 percent of women inseminated with fresh donor semen will get pregnant--especially if the procedure is repeated over several months. Unfortunately, freezing the sperm decreases the chances of success by 10 to 15 percent. Today's reprodu .....

The Laser
Number of words: 981 - Number of pages: 4

.... in which the wavelengths of the light are all the same length, and the crests of these waves are all lined up, or in PHASE. The word Laser is an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. What does that mean? Basically a laser is a device which produces and then amplifies light waves and concentrates them into an intense penetrating beam. The principles of the laser (and it's cousin the maser) were established long before these devices were successfully developed. In 1916 Albert Einstein proposed stimulated emission, and other fun .....

Intranet 2
Number of words: 1573 - Number of pages: 6

.... already a big change is being noticed. Companies are keeping track of all of their important information on web sites, which are restricted to users, unless they have the security code to access them. Thanks to Internet technology, companies and other types of organizations are able to keep all of their information organized and easily accessible with a click of a button. The Internet, how has it changed the world around us? Government, education, business is all wrapping around it. Is this because of all of the information on it, simplicity or .....

Atention Defficit Disorder
Number of words: 1395 - Number of pages: 6

.... TV, playing Nintendo, and at sporting events. Many ADD children will tell you how annoying it is when someone around them is talking. People with ADD are impulsive meaning to act without thinking. In one case a five-year old with ADD almost drowned when he went to a pool with his father. He saw people jumping into the pool and thought it would be fun. He jumped right in without remembering that he can't swim. He was pulled from the bottom of the pool several minutes later. Hyperactivity is a real problem for people with ADD especially in children. .....

Number of words: 496 - Number of pages: 2

.... group, chlorine has a tendency to gain one electron and become a chloride ion. Chlorine strongly reacts with metals to form mostly water-soluble chlorides. Chlorine also strongly reacts with nonmetals such as sulfur, phosphorus, and other halogens. If you were to mix hydrogen and chlorine gases and keep them in a cool dark place, the mixture would be stable, but if it were exposed to sunlight, it would cause a strong explosion. If a burning candle were placed in a sealed container of chlorine, it would keep burning, and it would produce thick, black, smoke, .....

Number of words: 1189 - Number of pages: 5

.... to determine if the child has received the defective gene. Several embryos could be cloned, then the DNA from one of the embryos would then be removed and standard genetic testing would be used to detect whether or not that embryo contained the genetic disease. If this cloned embryo containd a disease then one of the other embryos could be used for implantation in a parent, this guarantees that the child would be free of genetic disease (Marshall 1025). For those who disagree with cloning I am sure if there child could be saved from a genetic disease they wou .....

Number of words: 946 - Number of pages: 4

.... effects of (Consumer 54). Patients that have experienced the treatment claim that "is less painful than getting a shot or having blood drawn because the needles are so thin" (Weiss 73). The question remaining involves the legitimacy of treatments. It has a long history of success in Asia dating back over 5,000 years (Duke 224). The method approaches problems as "patterns of disharmony" which are responsible for poor health in individuals (Consumer 55). Oriental acupuncturists believe that either yin or yang, whose balance affects everything in the un .....

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