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Term Papers on Science

Human Genome Project 2
Number of words: 1658 - Number of pages: 7

.... take us? What will come of the world if designer babies become standard procedure? The earliest and maybe simplest use of genetic manipulation was in the selection of the sex of an unborn child. In Vitro Fertilization(IVF - A procedure in which a woman’s eggs are removed from her body, fertilized outside using sperm from her husband or another donor, and then transferred back to her body.) was originally limited to couples that were infertile. Even the use of IVF for the infertile was unheard of at one point. “But growing demand m .....

Future Psychology
Number of words: 1638 - Number of pages: 6

.... nature, which leads to the question: What kind of world do you want to live in? Our ancient habit is to stumble backwards into the future. We feel that we as individuals make little difference, as if history and the future just happen at us. Obscure plans, which have guided people forward in the past, have now rendered themselves useless. There are no known maps to show pathways into the future. We’ll need to consider back to our hearts, common sense and basic human capabilities. We’ll need to consider the deep issues at stake and make deep choices .....

Geography Examine The Reasons For Inner City Initiatives And
Number of words: 782 - Number of pages: 3

.... to bring land and buildings back into use - to improve housing conditions - to encourage private sector investment - to encourage self-help and improve social fabric, and - to improve environmental quality. The Government also set up programmes which would help these aims to be met, such as the Urban Development Corporations (e.g. LDDC London Docklands Development Corporation) and the availability of grants for urban development. The inner cities had many problems all of which linked together to form a less affluent area which was very hard to improve as t .....

Marijuana For Migranes
Number of words: 737 - Number of pages: 3

.... indica is probably the most satisfactory remedy”(Russo, 1998). The best way to describe a study like this is historical. Many of the historical uses of marijuana may have contemporary relevance. As I stated before, there are very few ways to study something that the society feels is harmful to the subject. This is exactly what the research is pointing out by voicing the words of our ancestors. This historical point-of-view allows our conscience to be at ease so that accurate tests can be performed to conclude a up to the date analysi .....

Creatine 2
Number of words: 1792 - Number of pages: 7

.... by the breakdown of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) to ADP (adenosinediphosphate). When all the ATP is broken down, creatine phosphate in the muscle donates a phosphate group to ADP, and further energy reactions can occur. Creatine Monohydrate is a precursor to creatine phosphate. By supplementing with CM, CP levels in muscle apparently are maximized, and more muscular work can occur, since there are greater energy reserves to use. Approximately 95% of the body's creatine supply is found in the skeletal muscles. The remaining 5% are scattered throughout the r .....

Circus Animals
Number of words: 645 - Number of pages: 3

.... who bathe frequently in their natural environment. But, the circus environment is very different from an animal’s natural habitats. Summer can be hard on animals such as bears, while lions, can suffer more in winter months. Veterinarians qualified to treat exotic animals, are not always present or available. As a result animals suffer and die due to the lack of proper medical attention. Physical confinement is very harmful physiologically and psychologically. The Born Free Foundation conducted a study that found that 22% of the time confined elephant’s .....

Genome Sequencing
Number of words: 1656 - Number of pages: 7

.... genome sequencing projects include a greater understanding of the organisms being sequenced and acknowledgment of the minimum complement of genes necessary for a free-living organism. Of the organisms that have already had their genomes sequenced, a number are of particular importance. For example, Mycoplasma genitalium has a complete nucleotide sequence that is only 580,070 base pairs long, and as such, is believed to be the smallest genome of any free-living organism. Because of it's unique size, this genome presents a way of studying a minimal function .....

Global Warming Extended Definition Essay
Number of words: 1142 - Number of pages: 5

.... rays and clouds as well as other natural occurring events. The National Weather Service announced that 1998 was the warmest year (on record on average, around the world). A recent tree-ring study indicated that this is the warmest decade in six hundred years (Allen & Herreid, 82). Undeniably, the weather is getting warmer. According to an article in The Economist, a conservative newsmagazine, "The sea is warming, the plankton dying; floods are sweeping the land. In California, the climate is acting in a peculiar way. So, too, in Antarctica, where unlooked-f .....

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