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Term Papers on Social Issues

Impact Of Abuse
Number of words: 497 - Number of pages: 2

.... which goes through a childs mind. Since I was a little ten-year-old child, I had to deceive and hide from the world and my mother that my father took a sexual interest in me. Remember how you taught me that art of deceit? First you put me in a situation that had to be kept a secret then you pledged me to secrecy...As a ten-year-old child, what was I supposed to do? You are an intelligent man you figure out the options available to a ten-year-old in that position." (Rush, 1980) Guilt: The abused will feel tremendous guilt for a numerous reasons: .....

The Pressure To Be Perfect
Number of words: 718 - Number of pages: 3

.... includes items such as elevators, escalators, garage-door openers, drive-in windows, and the remote control. It use to be that you would at least burn some calories by having to get up and turn the channel on the television, but thanks to technology it is now a push of a button. Just think, things have the possibility to grow increasingly worse because of the 'information super highway'. There is no need to get out and walk the malls in search of a particular item or gift. With the use of the 'super highway' you just need a credit card and the item is delivere .....

Child Abuse: Who's At Risk And The Outcomes?
Number of words: 1674 - Number of pages: 7

.... sexual abuse, failure to feed and clothe a child, beating a child, torturing a child, withholding medical care from a child, allowing a child to live in a "deprived or depraved" environment, and keeping a child out of school have all been defined at various times and in various laws as "child abuse"(p. 82). The definition of child abuse varies over time, across cultures, and between different social and cultural groups. Many of the books and articles that were researched for this paper had difficulty defining child abuse. Professional groups were given a l .....

The Rwanda Refugee Crisis
Number of words: 1826 - Number of pages: 7

.... involved in Rwanda when, " in June and July 1994, 2.5 million Rwandans crossed into Tanzania and Zaire "3. It took 500,000 to 1,000,000 Rwandans to die from genocide before the world acknowledged a problem. A question a rises over the competency of the international world's method in detecting problems such as the one in Rwanda. Were we not a little late in helping Rwandans, and as a world in the name of humanitarianism are we doing enough? One of the international world organizations that can be examined in its assistance with refugees is the United Natio .....

Marketing Yourself: "How To Use Your Foreignness As An Asset!"
Number of words: 519 - Number of pages: 2

.... to make major cultural adjustments, to adapt to a very different environment, and to meet new challenges with confidence. It is not easy to earn a degree in another culture using a "foreign" language. If you have earned a degree in a foreign land, it is appropriate to believe that you can adjust and be flexible in your new job. Use this as a selling point during your job interview! Many American employers now want "team players" who are flexible and understand cooperative management styles. They want employees who know how to cooperate, respect others, and wor .....

Stereotype: Speaking Mandarin
Number of words: 433 - Number of pages: 2

.... working in Canada. They started to introduce themselves to me but in Mandarin and I explained that I could only speak English, the expressions on their face dramatically changed into a frown and a bit of disgust. The Manger overheard the conversation and said, "You can't speak Mandarin? Oh, that will be a problem here," with a slight tone of disappointment, I felt offended and was determined to keep the job to prove to them that even though I could not speak my mother tongue I would learn the ways around the kitchen. That task was a little more difficu .....

Linking Media With Fitness Perceptions: A Study On The Affect Of Media On Fitness And Body Image
Number of words: 1179 - Number of pages: 5

.... self-concept within all participants. This supports my statement that there would be a connection between the fitness concept and the media packages as well as a constant self- concept maintained by all participants. In assessing personal attitudes it is often important to measure not only what an individual feels towards others but also his/herself. Prior research indicates this is especially important when measuring attitudes towards physical issues. It has been found that opposing views may be held simultaneously by individuals in regards to themselves and .....

Personal Freedoms
Number of words: 356 - Number of pages: 2

.... freedom. However, there are still certain universal freedoms, like the right to voice your own opnion, to wear clothes of your choice and freedom to get a good education. Some of these things are so important that there is laws to enforce them. Like school for instance, you are legally required to attend regular classes until the age of sixteen. There are some freedoms that we are entitled to but that are violated by others. Take your right to safely walk down the street for example, in some neighbourhoods that is virtually out of the question. I feel that .....

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