Term Papers on Social Issues
Sex In Advertising
Number of words: 1678 - Number of pages: 7.... include comfort, family affection, tenderness, fear, romance, generosity, and sensory pleasure.
Advertisers, therefore, use actors or actresses who can trigger an emotional response from one of the above-mentioned attributes, encouraging the consumer to buy the product. Since effectiveness is gender linked, demographics play an essential role in determining which sex will buy the product. In the average home, women are the purchasers of household products, such as food and drinks, or soaps and shampoos, therefore advertisements for these products targe .....
Working Through Disappointment
Number of words: 1173 - Number of pages: 5.... The disappointment of this situation was taking its toll on the whole family; moreover the tension building was taking away from the real problem, my Grandfather. I thought long and hard, and I felt like the disappointment was beginning to bog me down. I made a vow to myself that no matter how bad thing would get I wouldn’t let the disappointment do to me, what it did to the rest of my family. I spent the next two days going to see my grandfather. I threw myself totally into deep thinking, mostly about all the good times we shared. I did not let the bad .....
The Many Faces Of Marriage
Number of words: 1312 - Number of pages: 5.... grandmother and
later her first husband restrain her by trying to crowd her mind with the
empty trinkets which they themselves have learned to value. Her second
husband is similarly stifling; though his strength and power is at first
appealing, he too is unable to comprehend that life is in the living and
the being, and not in the having and the controlling. Janie not knowing
what marriage really meant, married because she thought he could take care
of her.
Marriage is defined as an insitution uniting a man and a woman in a
special form of mutual dependence, .....
The World's Longest War
Number of words: 2178 - Number of pages: 8.... exception, Islam, a theocracy which has savaged the world for over
a thousand years. Its religious doctrine is that church and state are one and
that canon law and civil law are one. It periodically believes that unbelievers
must be converted or conquered and that hating infidels is a virtue and killing
an infidel is a ticket to heaven. In many of the faithful this religious
fanaticism has merged with the secular fanaticism of Marxism-Leninism to make a
witch's brew of hate and savagery against Christendom and capitalism. ('America
is the Great Satan.')
The demi .....
Groups In Society
Number of words: 1750 - Number of pages: 7.... the operation of an underlying attribution process (Kelly, 1967, Cited in Vaughan and Hogg, 1997, p 138). The second part of the paper provides autobiographical reports made by individuals within minority groups. The third section will outline findings of research, suggesting that the distinction between social and personal identity has become central to theorising about the self.
1: Part One.
that promote minority viewpoints are generally displaced by the majority as social out-groups or as deviant individuals. Their views are, at best rejected (as not imp .....
The Death Penalty
Number of words: 2824 - Number of pages: 11.... enough strength to lead to important restrictions on the use of in many northern states, while in the United States, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Rhode Island abandon the practice altogether. Pennsylvania adopted a new law, in 1974, to distinguish the different degrees of murder and used mostly for premeditated murder, murders which are planned out before they are executed. was also confined to crimes of murder, including felony murder. A felony murder is any homicide committed in the course of committing another felony such as rape of robbery. After the 19 .....
Abuse Of The Innocent
Number of words: 790 - Number of pages: 3.... a natural life
span of twenty- five to thirty years, but only survives for an average of
five".1 An estimated "seventeen million raccoons, beavers, bobcats, lynx,
coyotes, muskrats, nutria, and other animals are trapped each year in the
United States for fur".2 They suffer from unbearable pain for several
hours before their lives are ended by the trapper's club. Is the price of
live worth the price of fur? Psalm 104, 27-30. All creatures depend on you
to feed them throughout the year: you provide the food they eat, with
generous hands you satisfy their hunger. .....
Gang Violence
Number of words: 975 - Number of pages: 4.... age 17 was forced into a gang. If he didn't join, he'd be hunted down
and killed by the gang members. When older family member already in a gang,
younger siblings are often forced in.
Many gangs use graffiti to show their power and to mark their turf.
"Everywhere you go you see graffiti." Professor Allen Walker Read of Columbia
University said, "The pen is mightier than the sword." Gangs in Parma are very
active with the pen. They "tag" their property buildings and houses everywhere.
Police want to know where all the parents are. Why aren't t .....