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Term Papers on Social Issues

Society's Restraint To Social Reform
Number of words: 1599 - Number of pages: 6

.... the Permissive Position, who see them as victims of our society and deserving of community support. The problems of the poor range from personal (abandonment or death of the family income earner) to the social (racial prejudice in the job market) and economic (collapse in the market demand for their often limited skills due to an economic recession or shift in technology). The Permissive View reveals that all participants in society are deserving of the unconditional legal right to social security without any relation to the individual's behaviour. It .....

A Teens Guide For Choosing Friends
Number of words: 439 - Number of pages: 2

.... they may become are very likely to become a prisoner and live a life of crime, Or at least a life sponging on their parents and friends. When choosing friends it is very important that you surround yourself with people of similar religious beliefs. By doing this your friends will share your conscious and you will have good, clean, fun when you are together. And a friend in Christ seems to always stay with you. Its also nice to have a kid your age that you can talk to about things and they understand. Another important factor in choosing friends is ask yourself .....

Knights And Chivalry
Number of words: 935 - Number of pages: 4

.... the Teutonic Knights, and the Spanish orders of Alcantara, Calatrava, and Santiago. In the late Middle Ages, rulers formed secular orders of chivalry such as the English Order of the Garter and the Burgundian Order of the Golden Fleece. By this time, however, chivalry had become largely a system of etiquette. Tournaments, in which knights had originally risked their lives in jousting combat before the ladies, became simply elaborate, stylized, and harmless entertainments. Moreover, the expense of this and other trappings of knighthood led many nobles who .....

Pornography: Sex Or Subordination?
Number of words: 2310 - Number of pages: 9

.... by fantasies under-cover. Pornography was a means of unlocking the evil I had buried inside myself” (Leidholdt 47). Is it possible that pornography is acting as the key to unlocking the evil in more unstable minds? According to Edward Donnerstein, a leading researcher in the pornography field, “the relationship between sexually violent images in the media and subsequent aggression and . . . callous attitudes towards women is mush stronger statistically than the relationship between smoking and cancer” (Itzin 22). After considering the increase in rape an .....

The Media
Number of words: 452 - Number of pages: 2

.... I would not want anyone bothering me by putting a camera in my face. I would want the money to buy food, but if someone over in America just needed my story for filler, I wouldn't be too happy. It should be the tribe's leader that should have to get the tribe out of trouble in any way that he could. It is not our business to send them our money to get food for the people that got themselves into trouble, but I think it makes people feel good to donate things to needy people. I just think that the media isn't telling people the whole story. Maybe the starving .....

Social Effects Of The Vietnam War On The United States
Number of words: 1686 - Number of pages: 7

.... communism to Vietnam after they won their independence. Ho Chi Minh formed the league for the independence of Vietnam that was called the Vietminh. During World War II the Japanese took over the French rule of Vietnam. Since America was fighting the Japanese as well they shared information with Vietnam to defeat Japan. After World War II had ended Vietnam, for a short time, became independent. However, President Trueman decided to support the French to regain Vietnam because of concern over the spread of communism. As a result the Vietnimh went back to pre .....

Sex In The Net!
Number of words: 1102 - Number of pages: 5

.... schoolyard, or simply down at the local newsagent or video store, pornography can be purchased in any form or media. I know children, some as young as ten years, who have an unlimited supply of pornography. They have been exposed to it from an early age and it has become an addiction like smoking or drinking. Part of the problem is that censorship laws are not enforced. Some newsagents will sell a twelve year old, pornography, (legal age of 18) but will not sell them a packet of cigarettes (legal age of 16 until June 1994). The obvious derivative from this st .....

The Treatment Of A Women In Sports
Number of words: 2479 - Number of pages: 10

.... a substantial leap was overcome, and the precedence of women in sports was changed not only for the 90’s but forever. Only with the help of Title IX legislation and the persistence of women athletes to demand equality was such an accomplishment to be achieved. Although, women are making strives towards equality, and making progress in acknowledging females for their athletic ability, there are still many signs of sexism and poor treatment because of their endeavors. Even today with the press towards a new “equalitarian attitude” women athletes still .....

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