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Term Papers on Legal and Government

Teen Alcoholism
Number of words: 977 - Number of pages: 4

.... students spend 5.5 billion dollars a year on beer and alcohol. That is over four billion cans a year and 430 million gallons annually. All that alcohol is enough for every college and university in the U.S. to feel an Olympic size swimming pool. Alcohol is an infinitely confusing substance. In small amounts it is an exhilarating stimulant. In larger amounts it acts as a sedative and as a toxic, or poisonous, agent. When taken in very large amounts over long periods of time, this combination chemical and drug can be damaging to cells, tissues, and organs. To furt .....

Steps To A Better Life
Number of words: 677 - Number of pages: 3

.... and wheezing, and worsens asthma conditions. If both parents smoke, a teenager is more than twice as likely to smoke than a young person whose parents are nonsmokers. In households where only one parent smokes, young people are also more likely to start smoking. Smoking during pregnancy can cause serious health problems to an unborn child. Smoking during pregnancy accounts for an estimated 20 - 30% of low birth weight babies, up to 14% of pre-term deliveries and 10% of all infant deaths! If all women quit smoking during pregnancy, about 4,000 new babies wo .....

Euthanasia Outline
Number of words: 332 - Number of pages: 2

.... person against their will- form of murder III. Euthanasia is justified A. quality of human life is more important than length of life B. death is a good medical treatment b/c it stops the suffering of the patient C. euthanasia may become an economic need due to the increase of new diseases, AIDS, and their high costs D. termination of life of animals- ˇ§putting it out if its miseryˇ¨- but when it comes to humans, we allow long suffering just so they can live E. an empty life 1. people in vegetative state lead prolonged lives which are meaning less F. the patient .....

Raves And Drugs
Number of words: 1348 - Number of pages: 5

.... youth culture, teens need energy to dance all night, the rave scene is bombarded with all kinds of E" (Drug Information Database, www.pharmlink.org/designer/index.html/). "The media has given E and the rave scene a bad reputation, since 30 years ago music has been greatly united with drugs. For example Weed and Rock in the 60's and acid in the 70's." (E for Ecstasy by Nicolas Saunders, ch.1) Ecstasy is just a hard and dangerous as weed, "a drug that 1 out of every 3 highschool students in the American population have had experiences with." (Drug Information Dat .....

Should Children Be Allowed To Testify In Court?
Number of words: 2242 - Number of pages: 9

.... to coaching by powerful authority figures, and therefore as being potentially less reliable than adults” (Ceci & Bruck 1993). The suggestibility of child witnesses, the effects of participation on children's reports, and the effects of postevent information on a prior memory representation must be taken into account when it comes to seeking answers to the reliability of their testimony, especially because sexual abuse and sexual assault cases are a big part of children's testimony and they are often the only witness. Those psychologists who feel that child .....

Euthanasia Overview
Number of words: 950 - Number of pages: 4

.... and not the other. The distinction that is made between the two of them is that active is murder, while passive is merciful. Turning off support systems is a positive act of death (Singer, 76). In the Encyclopedia of Bio-ethics, some religious views of euthanasia were given. Hebraic and Jewish denominations strongly oppose the practice. They believe life is a precious and divine gift, and that it must be sustained if possible. “Death must never be hastened by intention. Physicians who kill patients in order to spare them pain are considered murderers (554-555). .....

Filial Piety In China
Number of words: 3643 - Number of pages: 14

.... been infiltrated through many generations and eroded by different events. In order to make my stand, I will be exploring the traditional meaning of , if and how various incidents may have impacted . I will also be analyzing the implications of the erosion of filial piety and the importance of filial piety in modern China. Traditional Filial Piety To define traditional filial piety in Chinese culture, it is imperative that I draw on the works of Confucius as Confucianism is the system that has dominated Chinese thought throughout most of history, controlling C .....

Womens Rights In 3rd World Cou
Number of words: 2752 - Number of pages: 11

.... from the ditch and started running away, but the regime's guards recaptured her and shot her to death." From China comes the following observation. "Still in the streets an occasional old crone hobbling around on her miniature bound feet was a relic of the pre-Revolutionary, almost dead past. I also heard an echo of that past in a silk thread factory in Wuxi, China. A woman member of its Revolutionary Committee was introduced to me as a ‘veteran worker’. The description astonished me because she looked so young. On inquiry I learned that she was indeed only 34 ye .....

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