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Term Papers on Legal and Government

Drinking And Driving
Number of words: 861 - Number of pages: 4

.... least 0.25 mg. of alcohol in a liter of exhalation of the air. Drunken driving can result in a fine or maximum imprisonment of three months imprisonment. Underage is also becoming a large problem in America. Alcohol is found to be a significant factor in teenage crashes. Studies have shown that young drivers are less likely than adults to drive after drinking alcohol, but their crash risks are much higher when they do. This is especially true when their blood alcohol concentrations are lower and is thought to be because of teenagers’ inexperience with both . .....

Capital Punishment: For And Against
Number of words: 2560 - Number of pages: 10

.... is not unconditional. The privilege of living and pursuing the good life in society is not absolute. It may be negated by behavior that undermines the nature of a moral community. The essential basis on which community is built requires each citizen to honor the rightful claims of others. The utter and deliberate denial of life and opportunity to others forfeits ones own claim to continued membership in the community, whose standards have been so flagrantly violated. The preservation of moral community demands that the shattering of the foundation of its exis .....

Business And The Economy
Number of words: 3534 - Number of pages: 13

.... such as Mercury used in manufacturing process eventually leaking into river systems (This happened between Canada and the United States). Another example is acid rain caused by burning fossil fuels without capturing or burning off the chemicals that cause acid rain, for example, UK’s industrial plants affecting the forests of Germany and Scandinavia. Chemical pollution has no boundaries, dumping chemical in the North Sea by the northern European countries not only destroys the food chain in that area, but, with tidal and ocean currents, this pollution can aff .....

The American Oligarchy
Number of words: 910 - Number of pages: 4

.... that which is many is less likely to be corrupted. So, although an individual's judgment can be corrupted when he is overcome by anger or some other emotion, it is difficult for all to become angry and make erroneous judgments simultaneously. If all the men are good men and good citizens, they are less corruptible than one man. However, seldom is this the case with American politics. There are far fewer politicians then there are low class workers or unemployed, and yet these politicians decide upon most all of the important decisions the country is faced .....

No Title
Number of words: 747 - Number of pages: 3

.... uses many of these comparisons in the essay. Raspberry talks about incredible array of habits done by different ethnic groups. He confesses “…black youngsters tend to do better at basketball, for instance, is that they assume they can learn to do it well, and so they practice constantly to prove themselves right (543). Raspberry emphasizes the importance of developing positive ethnic traditions (544). He tells how people suspect Jews have an innate talent for communications (544). People make assumption that Chinese are born with a gift for mathematical r .....

How America Should React To Ho
Number of words: 2083 - Number of pages: 8

.... As much as the future may look gloomy for many gays and lesbians all over the world, there are remarkable changes in public opinion and officials’ attitudes toward homosexuals in some countries. For example, in 1989 Denmark was the first to allow the same-sex marriage. In the United States the subject of homosexuality remains controversial. For example, In Hawaii three homosexual couples asked the court to recognize their right to get married and the court did. However, the state government refused to legalize this marriage. Consequently, a new amendment .....

The Cold War - Foreign Policy - Eisenhower And Kennedy
Number of words: 1206 - Number of pages: 5

.... and Kennedy's foreign policy were similiar is the fact that the both felt the same toward the policy of containment, thus the pieces fell in place once this plan was determined by both presidents. The policy of containment was the policy of the time, it said that our main goal was to keep communism from spreading. It would be later seen that the focus of our efforts would be on the third world nations which were weak and thus possible to have their governments overthrown. Although both presidents agreed on the topic of containment, Kennedy was a little more .....

Speeding Is A Dead End
Number of words: 628 - Number of pages: 3

.... city street by a police officer. It was the typical setting to be accused for a driving offense. The clouds were gray, the roads were slick due to a recent rainfall and there was not many cars on the road encouraging me to drive faster. I had just gone through a yellow light at a major intersection and when I looked straight ahead, there was not a car in sight. Due to the fact that the road was “all mine”, I was encouraged to travel twenty-five kilometers over the speed limit. Admittedly, I almost heard my mother telling me to slow down. After my increase in .....

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