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Term Papers on Legal and Government

Environmental Law
Number of words: 898 - Number of pages: 4

.... to the surrounding homes and their needs. In order to begin destruction of the property and begin rebuilding the site the Nollans had to secure a permit from the California Coastal Commission. Upon submitting the permit application, the CCC found that the permit should be granted on the condition that the Nollans provide public access to the beach and to the local county park, which lay adjacent to the property. This provision called for the Nollans to use a portion of their land to be used as a public walkway to the beach and park. The Nollans protested to the .....

When The Government Stood Up For Civil Rights
Number of words: 1985 - Number of pages: 8

.... a measure of our lives (Shipler 12). When Martin Luther King Jr. stirred up the conscience of a nation, he gave voice to a long lain dormant morality in America, a voice that the government could no longer ignore. The government finally answered on July 2nd with the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 is historically significant because it stands as a defining piece of civil rights legislation, being the first time the national government had declared equality for blacks. The civil rights movement was a campaign led by a number of organiza .....

Number of words: 253 - Number of pages: 1

.... and commercials, movies and magazine articles, Internet and etc. Sexuality is so evident in our world, that having pre marital sexual relations is no longer restricted or wrong in the eyes of society. Due to the lack of concern, more and more teenagers are participating in pre marital sex, without thinking about the harsh realities that face pre marital sexual activity. Some of these realities include sexual transmitted diseases, such as herpes, HIV, and AIDS, and most incidentals unwanted pregnancy. Due to society’s ignorance, more and more people are favoring the free will to undergo an , exempting them f .....

The Role Of Decision Making In The Pre-Crisis Period Of India (15 March, 1959 - 7 September, 1962)
Number of words: 2755 - Number of pages: 11

.... decisions taken India's authorities are of great importance. The role of the decision-makers before the time of the armed conflict had a big significance for India's position on political and economic matters in the continent of Asia. A major figure in India's decision making was Jawaharlal Nehru, leader of the Congress Party, head of the Planning Commission and chief spokesman of the government in Parliament. These titles not only made him an important nationalistic figure but also Gandhi's appointed heir and a "major architect of India's political instit .....

Prostitution Should Be Legalized
Number of words: 700 - Number of pages: 3

.... prostitution will provide greater benefits for society. Supporters of banning prostitution insist first and foremost that selling a person’s body is immoral. Yet in one way or another, all people who work "sell" one or more parts of their body in order to complete their jobs. Athletes, bus drivers, and construction workers all "sell" their bodies to perform physical work. These people would find themselves out of work were it not for their freedom to "sell" their bodies. Norma Jean Almodovar, a former police officer turned prostitute, concurs. "In a free c .....

Legality Of Abortion
Number of words: 2757 - Number of pages: 11

.... a much more popular form of abortion. Infanticide is grossly just the killing of the baby directly after birth (3 Gilbert). J. Gilbert, the author of an informative Texas state web-page, states that some time after 1750, a new procedure was introduced to abortion. The new procedure consisted of probing objects through the cervix and into the uterus of the women to accomplish the abortion (4 Gilbert). Laurence Tribe, author of Abortion: The Clash of Absolutes, states that the court case Roe v. Wade revolutionized the . The case set boundaries and regulations illus .....

Accountability Of Our Government
Number of words: 2892 - Number of pages: 11

.... responsibility for its direction and impact as a government." Without accountability we are left with a powerful political structure that has the ability to act without conscience or redress and this does not represent a modern democracy. With any discussion which focuses on responsibility within parliament, one can see the varying levels of accountability and the difficulties which arise when attempting to describe power, within the Canadian political system. Accountability in the public service can be studied from two different perspectives. The civ .....

Your Rights
Number of words: 537 - Number of pages: 2

.... or a friend. DO NOT INVITE THE INVESTIGATOR INTO YOUR HOME! Such an invitation not only gives him the opportunity to look around for clues to your lifestyle, friends, reading material, etc., but also tends to prolong the conversation. The longer the conversation, the more chance there is for a skill investigator to find out what he wants to know. Many times a police officer will ask you to accompany him to the police station to answer a few questions. In that case, simply thank him for the invitation and indicate that you are not disposed to accept it at this t .....

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