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Term Papers on Legal and Government

Adult Punishments For Children
Number of words: 620 - Number of pages: 3

.... distinguish between right and wrong. Some of these young people haven't even attended school, and here they are, being tried as adults. A person's childhood is where one learns about life. One learns right from wrong, good from evil, and how to control one's emotions. What would happen if the courts took away this precious learning time from a youth? The youth wouldn't learn exactly why he was imprisoned. His morals would never be formed correctly because he would never be able to learn society's moral standards. When, and if these children are released fro .....

Extreme Roles
Number of words: 975 - Number of pages: 4

.... men of the Western world loved submissive women who would do anything to please the man they were with. Femininity is displayed as weak and passive. In order to find a man, a women had to do anything, even accept the fact that there husbands would find a mistress on the side. It was socially acceptable to be intentionally blind to what your husband was doing. The same also seemed to take place in the Western world as well, although not at such extreme cases.. Helga assumed that Gallimard took up a mistress while living in the Orient. Masculinity in this novel .....

The Effect Of Advertising On P
Number of words: 433 - Number of pages: 2

.... personal appearance is bad. Even people that don’t develop eating disorders still feel bad about themselves at one point or another because they don’t look like the advertisements, like society wants them to look. The “standard” that the media shows has other negative effects besides eating disorders. It can also lead to shame, guilt, stress, depression, and a lack of confidence. It’s not just girls that are shown in these ads. Guys are shown that they should be muscular, and well built. They sometimes turn to steroids to get like that. Some even develop ea .....

Live Together Before The Arrma
Number of words: 1333 - Number of pages: 5

.... has less benefit because it is not romantic. There are no lasting responsibilities. And it results in a rate of higher divorce. First of all, cohabitation is not romantic and may kill true love. Those who live together are likely to have a fleeting romance rather than a lasting relationship. A romance is not the same as having an ongoing relationship. Relationships take time and work to develop and maintain; romance is a positive feeling toward another person. Romance without a relationship is a brief encounter at best. Romance, in today's disposable society, is .....

Group Polarization And Competi
Number of words: 2335 - Number of pages: 9

.... in its beliefs in general, tion, which requires a mutual exclusivity of goal attainment, will lead to more "showdown" situations in which the goal of good government gives way to political posturing and power-mongering. In this paper I will analyze recent political behavior in terms of two factors: Group behavior with an emphasis on polarization, and competition. However, one should keep in mind that these two factors are interrelated. Group polarization tends to exacerbate inter-group competition by driving any two groups who initially disagree farther apart in .....

Indian Persecutions
Number of words: 321 - Number of pages: 2

.... Using legal protest and open protest, the Indians succeeded in some cases but other projects flooded most of Dakota ‘ s arable land for example. Another sensitive issue is about Fishing rights. Indians have always fished for a living (pour vivre) and thus they have been granted special tribal fishing rights. These rights are now challenged by environmental groups. A movie to illustrate the story of Indians : « Little Big Man », starring Dustin Hoffman is a 1971 Hollywood movie which broke all stereotypes people had about Indians : westerns : cow boys, india .....

Is Capital Punishment Biblical?
Number of words: 1343 - Number of pages: 5

.... to preserve life seems much more important here than the preservation of criminals. Capital punishment is never used legitimately in the New Testament. Jesus' constant preaching of love and forgiveness shows his contempt for the harming of others. One example of love is found in John 15:17 “This is my command: Love each other.” An example of forgiveness is Matthew 6:14 “For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.” Jesus practiced what he preached by not condemning guilty persons. In John 8:1-11, Jesus .....

Freedom VS DestinyFreedom VS D
Number of words: 456 - Number of pages: 2

.... to create them. Predestination explains almost ninety percent of what happens in the world, from birth to death, and even pure luck. Freedom can not cause you to have “good luck” in a day, it is predestination which brings you to this “good luck.” Freedom is a fallacy that takes over the human race like a parasite. It is used to cover up what people do not want to believe. Murderers had the “choice” to kill that person, or was it just their time to die according to their destiny. In this case, freedom is used to make it easier on the people of the dead person, .....

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